Death sword barbarain

The rise and fall of The Goths

  • 553 BCE

    The fall of the Goths

    The Goths continued to fight for their independence from Rome until they were defeated at the Battle of Mons Lactarius. Their cause was lost and most of the Goths fled to Northern Europe for refuge.
  • 552 BCE

    2nd Gothic War

    Totila king of the Ostrogoths and Belisarius general of the eastern roman empire fought against each other for control of Rome.
  • 526 BCE

    Theodoric The Great Died

    The great kind was able to control both Romans and the Goths until his death. This caused the country to go a little wild.
  • 493 BCE

    King Odoacer

    Following Attila death, this man Odoacer became The King of Italy and provided refuge for the Goths. The Ostrogoths that previously fought for Atilla did not agree with this. Theodoric the great assassinated Odoacer.
  • 452 BCE

    Atilla's Rage

    When his brother Bleda died he decided to invade multiple countries. These countries included Gual and Italy. He then died a year later
  • 435 BCE

    The Treatyof Margus

    Attila and his brother Bleda came up with The Treaty of Margus with Rome. It was supposed to ensure peace between the Goths and Romans. Instead it did just the opposite.
  • 378 BCE

    Rebellion of Fitgerns Goths

    The Goths that were granted a pass to Rome were being treated poorly. They chose to rebel against the Romans that gave them refuge in the beginning. This was known as the battle of Adrianople. Valens was killed during the battle.
  • 376 BCE

    Fitgern Fled

    Fitgern appealed to the Roman Emporer Valens. He was let into Rome and protected by the army.
  • 370 BCE

    Goth Civil War

    Athanaric was an enemy of Rome, The man Fritigern was in good with Rome because he knew emperor Valens. Athanaric and Fritgern had different religions. Fritigern was an Arian Christian, while Athanaric had pagan beliefs of his people.
  • 270 BCE

    Goth Costal Raids

    The Goths built up a navy and raided costal lines of Rome. They had great control of the coast until Aurelian defeated them
  • 270 BCE

    Goth King Dies

    Cannabaudes was killed during an engagement with the Romans. He died along 5,000 of his men. The goths were driven into Dacia
  • 251 BCE

    Battle of Abritus

    The Goths had multiple victories over the Romans during this period including the Battle of Abritus. The Romans were constantly trying to invade Roman cities.
  • 244 BCE

    Recruiting Barbarians

    The Romans and the Goths were not friends. However, they both had a common enemy which were the Persians. The Romans recruited the Goths and they fought the Persians together
  • 244 BCE

    Philip the Arab

    The goths and the Romans fought against the Persians which in turn raised Philip the Arab to power.
  • 238 BCE

    First invasion of Rome

    Rome was going through a tough time with the empire being in great distress, The goths took advantage of this and attacked the city of Histia. They did this order to try and establish a foothold in Rome.