The Rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte

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    Battle of Toulon

    The naval Battle of Toulon or Battle of Cape Sicié took place on 22 February 1744 in the Mediterranean off the coast of Toulon, France. A combined Franco-Spanish fleet fought off Britain's Mediterranean fleet.
  • Napoleon is born

    Napoleon is born
    This event marks the date of when Napoleon Bonaparte was born and his birthday.
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    First Consul for Life

    in 1779 Napoleon had took all the power of France. Then in 1804 he had made himeself first emperor over French people and ruled over everyone. And he had fought a series of wars.
  • Start of the French Revolution

    Start of the French Revolution
    The storming of the bastille lack of food and poor harvest caused people to starve to death. High taxes caused the third estate people to rebel.
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    Egyptian Campaign

    The Egyptian Campaign was Napoleon Bonaparte's. Ostensibly to protect the French trade interests, undermine Britain access to India, and establsih enterprise in the region. It took place on july 1, 1798 and ended october 1, 1801
  • 18 Brumaire Coup

    18 Brumaire Coup
    The 18 Brumaire Coup brought general Napoleon Bonaparte to power as first consul of France. Overthrew the directory, replacing it with the French Consulate..
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    French Civil code established under Napoleon, the code fobade privleges based on birth, and specified that government jobs jobs should go to the most qualified.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The Vattle of Trafalgar was a naval engagement fought by the Royal Navy. Fought by the French and Spanish fleets.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    The Battle of Austerlitz also called Battle of the Three Emperors. Took place near Austerlitz in Moravia after the French had entered Vienna.
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    Continental System

    The Continental System in the Napoleonic wars. The blockade designed by Napoleon was to try and paralyze Great Britain. The Continental System hurt msny English Industries.
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    Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War was Napoleonic wars fought in the Iberian pennisula. This is where the French was opposed by British, Spanish, and Portuguese forces. It caused this big war between all of them.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    The Invasion of Russia was in june Napoleon began his fatal Russian campaign. All of Euorpe was under Napoleons power at this time. Napoleon had entered Russia with one of the largest army's ever seen.
  • Retreat from Moscow

    Retreat from Moscow
    One month after Napoleons invading force entered a Moscow. Napoleons then started to retreat from the Moscow because many different reasons.
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    Battle of Leipzig

    Also called Battle of the Nations. One of the most decisive defeats for Napoleon reulsting of what was left from the French power in Germany and Poland.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    The Exile to Elba was when Napoleon try to escape from France to Elba.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Took place in Belgium on june 18th 1815. Marked the final defeat of French military leader.
  • Exile to St. Helena

    Exile to St. Helena
    They exiled him to St. Helena because he got caught trying to escape and things at this point were not looking good for Napoleon.
  • Napoleons Death

    Napoleons Death
    Napoleons died on may 5, 1821. After 6 years they had fianlly killed Napoleon WHen they Exiled him to St. Helena.