
The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the US (LS)

By las1867
  • Massachusetts Legalizes Slavery

    Massachusetts Legalizes Slavery
    In 1641, Massachusetts was the first colony to pass into law under the Body of Liberties doctrine, the legalization of slave ownership. Massachusetts quickly became the center of Triangle Trade, increasing the states slave population dramatically.
  • Virginia Slave Code

    Virginia Slave Code
    The Virginia Slave Codes further alienated the slaves from indentured servants in Virginia. The Slave Codes allowed for harsher punishment of runaway slaves, and also declared children born to slaves will also be considered slaves and treated as such.
  • South Carolina Negro Act

    South Carolina Negro Act
    The South Carolina Negro Act declared it illegal for Negros to move abroad, raise food, earn money and learn to write the English language. This act also made it legal to for slave owners to kill slaves caught breaking these laws.
  • Pennsylvania Society Promoting Abolition formed

    Pennsylvania Society Promoting Abolition formed
    Anthony Benezet called the first meeting of the Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully held in bondage.This group focused on the cases where negroes claimed they were being unlawfully kept as slaves.
  • Vermont Bans Slavery

    Vermont Bans Slavery
    Vermont is the first US colony to ban slavery. Vermont's Constitution of 1777 states that all men are born equally free and independent, making slavery an illegal institution under the statute of law.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance banned slavery in the US northwest of the River Ohio. Fugitive slaves captured in these jurisdictions would be returned to their owners under law, but this Ordinance increased the restrictions on slavery in the North.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act allowed for the return of run away slaves to their rightful owners. This created a problem for the free slaves of the north as people assumed all blacks were run aways, leading to a weakening in road to freedom.
  • Congress Bans Slave Import from Africa

    Congress Bans Slave Import from Africa
    The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807 banned the US from acquiring any new slaves from Africa. This would begin a decline of slavery in the US.
  • Nat Turner leads Slave Revolt

    Nat Turner leads Slave Revolt
    Nat Turner, a Virginia slave preacher leads a two day uprising against white slave owners, killing around 60. This leads to harsher slave restrictions in the south. A manhunt for Turner ultimately leads to his capture and hanging.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all people held as slaves were free.
  • Slavery Abolished

    Slavery Abolished
    The Thirteenth Amendment of the US Constitution abolishes slavery in the United States of America ending a long treacherous battle of equality amongst the people.