
The Revolutions

  • Period: to

    The French Revolutions

    It was the beginning of the end of the social
    order, the old regime and the start of a new
    historical age. It consisted in a Tax Reform
    that made the upper class pay. In the French
    Revolution there were three main parts; the
    National Assembly, The Convention, and The
    The national Assembly consisted of the
    representatives of the third state who
    promised not to separate until they approved a
    constitution for all the nation.
  • Period: to

    The Restoration

    The main objective of the resolutions that
    Viena’s Congress approved was the
    restoration of the traditional political order. It
    was looking for the creation of a balance of
  • Liberal Revolt of Naples

    Liberal Revolt of Naples
    In July 1820, a revolt broke out in the city of
    Naples. The uprising had been prepared by
    the Carbonari, a liberal Italian nationalist
    group. who had as their objective the
    unification of the Italian peninsula. The
    movement was a success and Fernando I was
    forced to sign the Constitution that the rebels
    proposed to him. It was a magna carta very
    similar to the Spanish Constitution of 1812.
  • Liberal Revolt of Port

    Liberal Revolt of Port
    It began in the city of Porto on August 24,
    1820, whose mercantile bourgeoisie suffered
    from the effects of the Napoleonic invasions,
    British rule and the opening of Brazilian ports
    to world trade.
    It started as a military revolt in Porto, which
    took control of the city.
  • Belgian Revolution

    Belgian Revolution
    Belgium extends to Flanders, Wallonia, part of
    Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
    The religious, linguistic and economic
    divisions manifested themselves dramatically.
    The Belgian state was recognized as fully
    independent in 1839.
  • Polish Revolution

    Polish Revolution
    Poland violently rebelled against the Russian
    dolminium. They also asked for help from
    France and Great Britain.
    the Poles crossed the Prussian border to
    avoid being captured, starting an emigration
    that took them in small groups to France.
  • Austrian Revolution

    The Austrians stood up for the right to liberty
    and the respect for the peoples. They followed
    the example of the French revolution
  • The Spring of the Towns

    The Spring of the Towns
    The hegemony of the absolutist Monarchy.
    And also the end of the limits of political
    liberalism, divided in the moderated
    constitutions supported by the high class. In
    February 1848, the authoritarian rules that the
    French governess made, resulted in a big
    popular rebellion. After the social response,
    the governess forbade the political meetings.
    In Austria, the manifestations crowd the
    streets, this caused the dismissal of
    Metternich and the abdication of Fernando I.