First Continental Congress
The date above is when the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Rights that they would send to Britain. The intent of this document was to ask for fair treatment from Britain not independence. The Declaration of Rights claimed that Parliament had no right to make laws that affected the colonies except possibly foreign trade. The declaration also claimed that each of the colonies had their own agency for their affairs. This document was ignored. -
The Ride of Paul Revere
Tonight Paul Revere went on his famous midnight ride to warn every body the British were coming. You would think they were in the middle of war, but this is the begining. Tonight the first two battles of the Revolutionary are to take place in Lexington and Concord. The British have discovered that the colonists have gathered a war stock pile. While thay are arriving and marching to go find it in Concord. Paul Revere is riding out in the night to warn the minutemen to prepare for battle. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
The Revolutionary War has begun, Paul`s ride is over and the first battle of the Revolution is around the corner. When the two sides meet thay do not shoot. The command from Patriot Captain John Parker told his men not to fire unless they were fired upon. He said this because he did not want America to be blamed for starting the Revolution. Then immediately a shot rang out and to this day nobody knows which side shot first. This shot was called the "The shot heard `round the world'." -
The Second Continental Congress
Since their first request was denied thay decided to get back together again. This time they were declaring their independance in the document the Declaration of Independance. This meant that they had had enough under British rule. They were going to start from scratch. They appointed Thomas Jefferson to write it. -
Independance is Declared
The Declaration of Independance was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4,1776. This document written by Thomas Jefferson, argued that all men had certain unaleinable rights. He stated that the King had violated the colonists rights by taxing them without consent, passing unfair laws, and interfering with government. He also stated that the stationed solders were a burden. He then said that they had a right to break away because of what happened. -
Winter at Valley Forge
Note: Month and Day of above date is invalid this lasted the whole winter. The brutal winter of 1777 was terrible. The soldiers had very little sheltter that barely helped at all, some had no shirts or shoes. At their guard posts, they had to stand on their hats to keep their feet from touching the freezing ground. 2,000 soldiers died of disease or malnutrition that winter. -
The End of the Revolutionary War
The Battle of Yorktown was the very last battle of the Revolutionary War. In this battle the patriots won, with the help from the French. This was the battle that ended the Revolutionary War. The Patriots joined with French troops to cut off British supplies. Then they covered the sea so that their friends wouldn`t be able to save them. Eventually the British surrendered.