Major Event #15
Ella got kidnapped by Setrakus Ra from Nine's penthouse in Chicago. -
Major Event #1
Setràkus Ra (Bad Guy) claims to be Ella's (One of the main charachter's) grandfather. He tries to force her to eat and tells her that he used to be an Elder and that he experimented with altering genetics. He also tells her about how Lorien (Alien home planet) was controlling everything, and he rivaled it. Then, he puts a binding charm over himself and Ella. -
Major Event #2
Ella sees Number Nine and tells him telepathically to break Ra`s staff. She witnesses Ra talking about how the faithful humans will greet him, and then a human leader denying She realizes that Number Four is there too. Nine breaks Setrákus Ra`s staff, and Ra reverts from his human form to the repulsive genetically-modified Mogadorian one. Ra uses Dreynen when Number Four attacks. Ella stabs Setrákus Ra in the leg and realizes that she is the only one who can kill him. -
Major Event #3
Ella finds out that Five killed Eight, and is even more upset. Setrákus Ra trains Ella to use her Legacy Dreynen, using Five as the equivalent of a punching bag. She apologizes to him later telepathically. He responds that he deserved it and that they need to escape. Ella wakes up later to find Five talking about how Mogadorians were bad. She and Five decide to escape. She finds out that Five was not aware of their betrothal either. Setrákus Ra catches them. Five stabs Setrákus Ra in the back. -
Major Event #4
Number Four, Sam, Sarah, Malcolm, and Adam, as well as a bunch of Chimærae are staying in an abandoned textile factory. They figure out that the surviving Garde are in Florida, except for one of them, who`s dot on the tablet is bouncing everywhere. But Adam suggests going to Ashwood Estates instead of predictably going to Florida. The others agree, Four with a bit of persuasion required. They find a website titled They Walk Among Us with information about the Mogadorians. -
Major Event #5
The Chimærae survey Mogs carrying equipment, and kill them. Adam admits that the General residing at the Estates is his father. Four atacks him, and his shield bracelet is broken. The Chimærae also attack. The General and Four wrestle. Adam stabs his father through the back. They observe the decomposition of the General`s augmented parts. Adam takes up his father`s old sword. They stay at the Estates. Adam uses Mogadorian surveillance to see Seven, Six, and Nine breaks into the base. -
Major Event #6
Number Six, Number Seven, and Number Nine are trying to escape the swamp. They find a form of town and see that the Chicago penthouse was destroyed. Marina finds a man who claims that there is an old NASA base in the swamp with UFOs flying around it. She believes that Eight`s body is there and decides to have the man lead them there. Nine and Six agree. Marina tells Six that she can feel Eight somewhere. They see Mogadorians from their boat and kill them. -
Major Event #7
Shortly after Seven, Six, and Nine come to Ashwood Estates, Agent Walker and the FBI arrive. They have realized that the Mogadorians are villainous and want to help the Garde. They have seen what happens when someone stops taking the Mogadorian augmentations and they tell the Garde about the plan of the Mogadorians. And that their plan is to assassinate the secretary of defense, Bud Sanderson, who was working for the Mogadorians. -
Major Event #8
Marina, Six, and Adam decide to go to Calakmul. They collect much of the Inheritances to "commit to the earth" and also bring Henri`s ashes and Eight`s body. On the plane, Marina is hostile toward Adam. And then she finds out that he killed his Mogadorian father, and stops. -
Major Event #9
Sam, Four, Nine, and Walker are driving. On the way, Nine tries to interrogate Sam about Six. Four stops him. Nine claps, wearing a pair of gloves from Marina`s Chest, and generates a huge noise. The Mogadorians, of course, find them and attack. -
Major Event #10
The heroes are trying to get bystanders to flee. One bystander takes a video of Four using his healing power. The Mogadorians don't want humans learning about their secret powers. -
Major Event #11
The team arrives at Setrákus Ra`s planned invasion site. Nine breaks Setrákus Ra`s staff, and Ra reverts from his human form to the repulsive genetically-modified Mogadorian one. Ra uses Dreynen when Number Four attacks. Ella stabs Ra. He would have killed her, but Four prevented it. -
Major Event #12
Five stops Four from stabbing Setrákus Ra and killing Ella. Four and Five fight, but Five tells Four about the charm on Ella. They see Nine about to stab Ra. Five stops him too. Five and Nine fight. -
Major Event #13
Four prevents a wave of bullets from hitting Setrakus Ra and Setrakus Ra drags Ella back onto his ship. The warship then starts to fire. -
Major Event #14
Sam and Four were separated from everyone else except for a group of human survivors. A piken was after them. It was knocked down with telekinetic force. The implication is that Sam did it. And Sam is not a Mogadorian.