The republican party

  • The Republican Party is formed

    The republican Party is formed by former Whig party politician who opposed the spread of slavery and wanted to stop the "tyranny" of the president of the time Andrew Jackson.
  • Republicans gain control of the House of Representatives

    In 1858 the Republicans gain control of the House of Representatives for the first time. This occurs mainly after the Democratic party is split on the decision of slavery.
  • The first Republican President elected

    Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican president to be elected. He ran for office promising to stop the spread of slavery and hoping to keep the country together.
  • Abraham Lincoln assasinated

    Abraham Lincoln becomes the first ever president to be assasinated. Lincoln was at the theatre with his wife when the assasin, John Wilkes Booth, shot him inthe back of the head. Despite efforts to save him, Lincoln died later that day.
  • Beginning of Republican political domination

    When Ulysses S Grant became elected it started a period of Republican dominance in the nation that lasted over 70 years. This dominance was only broken by the occasional Democaratic President being elected.
  • Hayes elected

    Republican nominee Rutherford B. Hayes is elected president. Hayes ends Reconstruction, reformed civil service, and started many sound money policies.
  • Mckinley elected

    Mckinley becomes the first President elected that prosperity would be shared by all ethnic and religious groups.
  • Theodore Roosevelt elected

    Roosevelt is sworn in as President. Roosevelt saw to many reforms and lead many trust busting ideas.
  • Republicans lose election

    Republicans lose the election due to the split of the republican vote between republican nominee William Taft and Progressive (Bull Moose) party representative and former President Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    A scandal threatens to hurt the party as the Harding administration was accepting bribes from oil companies.
  • Republican dominance ends

    Republican dominance ends with the election of Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt wooed the black vote away from the Republicans.
  • Eisenhower elected

    Eisenhower wins an overwhelming victory over the Democratic ticket and is the first Republican President elected in over twenty years.
  • Party left in shambles

    After a landslide victory over Republican nominee Barry Goldwater, who attempted to change the party into a more ideal conservative party, the party is left in shambles.
  • Nixon resigns

    After the Watergate scandal, facing almost certain impeachment, Nixon resigns.
  • Reagan elected and Republican control of the Senate

    Republican nominee Ronald Reagan is elected President and they also gain control of the U.S. Senate for the first time in 25 years.
  • Geore Bush loses re-election

    Bush loses re-election mainly due to how he dealt with various repercussions from the downfall of the Soviet Union and Cold War.
  • George w Bush narrowly wins

    George W. Bush narrowly wins the election over former Vice-President Al Gore by a popular vote percentage of 51%.