The renaissance project

  • 1492 BCE

    Christopher Columbus discovers America and India.

    In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America and he discovered that Native Americans lived there. But before that he discovered India on his way trying to find to America. It took him around sixty two days trying to find America but he also what is now called the Bahamas.
  • Period: 1439 BCE to 1440 BCE

    The invention of the Printing press:

    On January first 1439, Johann Gutenberg created the printing press. The printing press helped manufacture books and also help with the studies of math and science. How it impacts today: since the printing press helped us with math and science, that meant math and science evolved and til this day its still evolving.
  • 1347 BCE

    The bubonic plague or The black Death:

    The Bubonic plague or most people know call it the black death started in 1347 and ended around 1352 BCE. It killed around 25-30 million people. It originated in central Asia and then the rats travelled the plague to Italy and then Europe. It impacts us now because we have better medicine and now we know how to deal with plagues.
  • Period: May 17, 1350 to

    When the renaissance ended and began:

    The renaissance first began on January first 1350. During that time numerous inventions were invented. Also during that era, ancient Rome fell. But the europeans developed into the arts and into science. It impacts on us now because we can look back on our old history and talk about it.
  • Period: Sep 27, 1389 to Aug 1, 1464

    The death of Cosmo De Medici:

    Cosimo de Giovanni de' Medici was a Italian baker and politician. He established the Medici family as rulers of Florence Italy, during the Italian renaissance era. He lived from September 27 1389 through august first 1464. I don't know how this impacts us.
  • Period: Jun 28, 1491 to Jan 28, 1509

    King Henry king of England:

    King Henry ruled from 1509 - 1547. during his ruling he had six wives. Catherine Parr, Catherine Howard, Anne of Cleves, Jane Seymour, Anne Boleyn, and Catherine of Aragon. He was born on June 28, 1491 and died on January 28 1509. This impacts on us now because we recently looked back on king Henry's wives and how they dealt with him and how tragic their lifes were.