
the renaissance

  • Period: 1400 to 1499

    the quattrocento

    Quattrocento refers to Renaissance art developed in the 15th century in Florence, characterized by anthropocentrism, the revival of Antiquity and the support of patrons, without completely breaking with the Gothic tradition.
  • 1401

    competition for the doors of the Baptistery of Florence

    Many artists attended the contest, but seven made it to the final. Among them, Brunelleschi and Ghiberti, who was the winner. Florence gained an artist and Rome an architect, since Brunelleschi did not sculpt again.
  • 1450

    invention of the printing press

    Gutenberg began his experiments with printing around the 1440s and managed to establish his printing company in Mainz in 1450. Gutenberg's printing press used Gothic calligraphy. Each letter was made from a metal block, engraved in a copper mold that was then filled with molten metal.
  • Period: 1450 to

    The Northern Renaissance

    This term refers to the Renaissance that took place in Northern Europe, where its own artistic and literary
    styles were developed, influenced by the Italian Renaissance.
  • 1498

    The painting of The Last Supper

    The painting depicts the story of Jesus at the Last Supper with his twelve disciples. In this story, he tells them that he has been betrayed by one of them in the room. Leonardo da Vinci shows the personality of each disciple with many religious themes.
  • 1518

    beginning of Protestantism

    According to tradition, on October 31, 1517, Luther nailed the ninety-five theses to the portal of the Wittenberg castle church, opposing the sale of indulgences. This date conventionally marks the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
  • 1532

    The publication of The Prince

    This political treatise was written by Nicolás Machiavelli and is fundamental to understanding
    politics and power in the Renaissance context.
  • Period: 1550 to

    The Late Renaissance

    This period is characterized by greater complexity in art and literature, with a focus on mannerism and
    experimentation in artistic forms.