The Renaisance

  • Jan 1, 1449

    Birth of Lorenzo de’ Medici

    patron of the arts
  • 1455

    Gutenberg prints the first Bible

    Gutenberg prints the first Bible
    the first book made and makes books cheaper
  • 1473

    Nicolas Copernicus publishes On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres

    Nicolas Copernicus publishes On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres
    everything revolve around the sun
  • 1503

    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
    the painting has sense of calmness
  • 1504

    Michelangelo sculpts the David

    Michelangelo sculpts the David
    the David is a statue that is made by Michelangelo
  • 1516

    Thomas More writes Utopia

    Thomas More writes Utopia
    is a book
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther posts 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church

    Martin Luther posts 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church
    starts the reformation
  • 1534

    King Henry VIII begins Protestant Anglican church

    King Henry VIII begins Protestant Anglican church
    protestant reformation
  • 1564

    William Shakespeare is born

    William Shakespeare is born
    he is a writer
  • Galileo invents a thermometer

    Galileo invents a thermometer
    made a thermometer to check temperature