The refugees in Kozani

  • The number of refugees!

    The number of refugees!
    Depending on the population, 21,000 refugees can come to Kozani to live in better living conditions than those who lived before.
  • The development of entrepreneurship!

    The development of entrepreneurship!
    Some kind of entrepreneurship can also be developed so that they can make some money to stand on their own two feet. For example, we can develop a small business women who will sell homemade sweets and food and more.
  • The benefits of Kozani from the refugees

    The benefits of Kozani from the refugees
    The benefits for the local community that will host and help the refugees are that the citizens will get in touch with people from different cultures and get to know their customs, their way of life, but the most important thing is that the phenomenon will be reduced . . of racism towards these people we call refugees and because of the conditions of war and others, to force them and their families to leave their country and go to a foreign country to find a better future.
  • The school's help to the refugees!

    The school's help to the refugees!
    Of course, our school can help these people, as it receives and distributes food so that no one is left without food, it can also offer learning to children who could not go to school due to the conditions in their country. and I learn letters.