Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther 95 Theses
This was when Luther nailed the theses to the castlke door in Wittenburg. This began a religious outbreak all across Europe and people then came together -
Period: Oct 31, 1517 to Jun 1, 1545
The Reformation: England, Germany, and Beyond
Sep 9, 1522
Luther Translated Bible
After going into hiding, Luther latered translated tye bible into German for 2 years when he was hiding in the woods from the authorities after he went to Worms to pretest. -
Jun 1, 1529
The Marburg Colloquy
Luther and Zwingli had a discussion of theology at a supper. This impacted many people of each relgion to go seperate ways and they also led to Proetests in Europe. -
Oct 4, 1534
Act of Supremacy
Henry VIII had the institution of the church and he put himself as the King of the Church. This set many problems and people were not happy. -
Jun 1, 1563
Council of Trent
The Catholic Relgion had a protestant movement and this served as the Roman Catholic Period -
The Edict of Nantes
This was the biggest signing and they hoped the religious signs were ended peacefully.