Manfred von Richthofen is born
Manfred von Richthofen is born near Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw Poland). -
Manfred is a cadet in a military school.
Commissioned as a cavalry officer in April.
Richthofen serves as the Uhlan cavalry on both the eastern and western fronts.
At first y reconnaissance officer in the Uhlan cavalry unit -
Begins the First World War.
He received the first bullets
join the second fighting squadron
In May Richthofen is transfered to the flying service as an observer.
his first flight as a spectataor
his first solo flight
training at Doberitz near Berling
he became a pilot
Richthofen shoots down his first plane.
after shooting down his 18th plane, Richthofen is awarded the Orden Pour Le Mérite, Prussia’s highest military honor.
Richthofen is made commander of a new flight squadron.
Richthofen is made commander of a new flight squadron.
Richthofen is seriously wounded by a British aircraft during a dogfight. A head wound puts him out of service for 40 days.
Richthofen’s plane is shot down over Vaux sur Somme, France. He dies at the age of 25.