
The Reasons for the breach with Britain

  • The proclomation Line

    Angered the frontiersmen as they couldn't proclaim land westwards ( felt cheated out of land ) - made to avoid conflict with the native americans. ( Appalachian mt . )
  • The Sugar Act

    Colonies were taxed without being fairly represented in parliament. Mainly affected New England due to their rum industries. Affected the coastal elites ( tea drinkers ) like George Washington. De jure tax reduction but a de facto tax increase. Now non-compliance was punishable
  • The Currency Act

    Banned the "fake" American pound.
    It made it difficult to pay off the war debts from the french-Indian war and created tensions between the colonists and the British traders ( merchants ) --> created a negative economic cycle in most of the colonies
  • The Stamp Act

    Required stamps on any formal and or printed writing, this largely affected influential lawyers and printers and made exportation more difficult which largey caused the movement of of no taxation without representation. This formed organised groups like the Stamp Pact Congress and eventually led to mob action like the Sons of Liberty. The effigies ( statues ) of Thomas Hutchinsons ( chief justice ) and Andrew oliver ( Designated Massachussetts stamp distributor, were burnt down to threaten them
  • Declaratory Act

    Britain afraid of the Colonies damaging their economy or rebelling --> repealed the Stamp Act --> passed the Declarotory Act, to not "loose" their sovereignty by repealing. It gave full control to the parliament, allowing it to make laws in the colonies " to bind them together "
    Making the colonies subordinate "to the Crown and Parliament of Great Britain "
    The fact that the gov repealed the stamp act --> made the declarotory act useless as the repeal showed that britain is afraid.
  • Townshend Acts

    series of British acts of Parliament passed during 1767 and 1768 introducing a series of taxes and regulations to fund administration of the British colonies in America. The purpose; raise revenue --> pay judges and governors --> remain loyal
  • Repeal townsend duties

    Except for tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Seven British soldiers fired into a crowd of volatile Bostonians, killing five, wounding another six and angering the entire colony.
  • Committees of corespondence

    1772-1776 were an early form of communications between the states. Samual adams role. >Reaction to the Boston Massacre. Precursor to the first continental congress. Stamp Act congress also samual adams precursor to the corespondence committee (1765 )
  • the Tea Act

    The principal objective was to reduce the massive amount of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company.A related objective was to undercut the price of illegal tea, smuggled into Britain's North American colonies.86% of all the tea in America at the time was smuggled Dutch tea.The Act granted the Company the right to directly ship its tea to North America and the right to the duty-free export of tea from Britain. Led to the Boston Tea party.
  • Gaspee incident

    Gaspee affair, HMS Gaspee was a Royal Navy customs schooner that enforced the Navigation Acts around Newport, Rhode Island.A group of men led by Abraham Whipple and John Brown I attacked, boarded, and burned the Gaspee to the waterline. Followed the Boston massacre. Rhode Island aimed to increase their control over the colony's legitimate trade in order to increase their revenue from the colony. Protested against British policies which went against the Triangular slave trade.
  • Boston Tea Party

    when colonists (some disguised as Native Americans) boarded tea ships anchored in the harbour and dumped their tea cargo overboard. Parliamentary reaction to this event included the passage of the Coercive Acts, designed to punish Massachusetts for its resistance, and the appointment of General Thomas Gage as royal governor of Massachusetts.
  • Coercive Act/ Intolerable Acts

    passed after the Boston Tea party- five punitive laws. punish Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in the Tea Party protest of the Tea Act, a tax measure enacted by Parliament in May 1773. The acts took away self-governance and rights that Massachusetts had enjoyed since its founding,.Patriots viewed the acts as an arbitrary violation of the rights of Massachusetts, and in September 1774 they organized the First Continental Congress to coordinate a protest.
  • the meeting of a Continental Congress

    The meeting was organized by the delegates after the British Navy implemented a blockade of Boston Harbor and the Parliament of Great Britain passed the punitive Intolerable Acts in response to the Boston Tea Party.Congress's first action was the adoption of the Suffolk Resolves, a measure drawn up by several counties in Massachusetts that included a declaration of grievances, called for a trade boycott of British goods, and urged each colony to set up and train its own militia.
  • The outbreak of war 1775

    ver the winter of 1774–75 General Gage sent spies through Massachusetts to assess the strength of colonial resistance and to discover where the rebels had stockpiled their weapons. In February 1775 he sent troops to Salem to seize munitions. Denied entry to the town and outnumbered by hundreds of militiamen, the troops were forced to withdraw. Americans now not only defied parliamentary laws, they openly resisted British soldiers performing their duty.
  • land ordinance

    Unity and disunity. Made an agreement ( effort to be united )
  • Second continental congress

    Establsihed independence, after battles of lexington and concord. Made a new fedaration the united colonies, 1776 USA. Acted as the de facto federation gov. Made Olive Branch Petition in final attempts to stop war. Drafted the articles of confederation. Worked until 1881