The Real Macbeth/ JohnO4

By johno4
  • May 11, 1005

    Macbeth birthday (Real MB)

    Macbeth birthday (Real MB)
    Son of Finlech MacRory and Doada, MacBeth or Maelbeatha was born around the year 1005. Finlech had created a son that was not only ambitious and resolute, he was also a strong warrior in the field. Even the name MacBeth speaks character, it translates to "Son in Life" in Gaelic.
  • May 12, 1010

    Elements of the time period

    Elements of the time period
    Scotland, a land with people who are commonly stereotyped for being thrifty, cautious, and careful to detail. But this is far from the normal in Scotland, Individualism and creativity not only thrives but flourishes here. Most Scottish people are Presbyterian, which is the national religion of Scotland. Opposed to their Irish neighbors who are almost completley Catholic
  • May 17, 1012

    Visuals that represent the content

    Visuals or motifs in MacBeth were used to symbolize certain things and those topics came out throughout the play. Three huge motifs are water and sleep. Water is mentioned in the play to symolize purity, healing, and a new beginning. We see this often through Lady MacBeth when she sleepwalks and tries to use water to wash off the non existent blood off her hands. Sleep symbolizes inner peace which explains MacBeth's insomnia after the murder of his former king, Duncan.
  • May 16, 1020

    Elements of Family and Biography

    Elements of Family and Biography
    As one can imagine, traveling in the 11th century would be much more difficult then it is in our modern time. Due to this, people stayed relatively close and their Geneology and family tree would become very complex. Another way complexity occured was that it was common for a woman to marry multiple men due to their spouses dying. In Shakespeare's MacBeth many of the characters were related to each other in one form or another because of reasons that were previously mentioned.
  • May 18, 1025

    Shakespeare's MacBeth

    Shakespeare's MacBeth
    In the world of theater and entertainment, many many producers and other directors have a way of creating a more dramatic or tragic tale then what actually occured. There is no exception for Shakespeare's version of MacBeth, in fact there are a couple key differences. The real MacBeth had slain Duncan after he had fled the scene of a battle. Another key difference was the Three weird sisters in the Shakespeare MacBeth. There was neve any proof of any sort of prophecy told to the real MacBeth
  • Apr 18, 1040

    MacBeths rule as King

    Once MacBeth had control over the throne, he had ruled equably and brought law, order, and justice throughout the land. MacBeth was also a strong believer in Christianity, there is documentation of him traveling to Rome for a papal jubilee. On top of this he was known to be a brave and courageous leader, with many forays over the English border.
  • Aug 15, 1057

    Macbeths Death date (Real MB)

    After 14 years of rule, MacBeth dies at the battle of Lumphanan in Aberdeenshire by the hands of Malcolm Canmore, who later will be Malcolm III.