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The Ralph Lane Colony

By sap0908
  • 1530

    The first Colony

    The first Colony
    The first colony was organized as a military venture from which the Spanish,colonial rival of the English,could be harassed and to serve as a base for exploration of the new land. Lane colony provided the english with valuable knowledge and experience for future endeavors
  • 1563


    By 1563 Lane was serving in Queen Elizabeth 1's court marking the beginning of his career of service to queen and country.
  • 1571


    In the 1570s Lane involved himself in maritime affairs which included a queen commission to seize ships in 1571.
  • 1583

    In 1583 Lane received a commission to go to Ireland and direct the construction of forts.
  • April 1585

     April 1585
    In April 1585 seven ships with about 600 men under the overall command of Sir Richard Grenville left england
  • August

    By August the colony had come ashore and built a fort following an invitation from indians
  • Period: to

    The Beginning of the Ralph Lane Colony

    The Ralph Lane colony begin in August 17 1585 and in October of 1603
  • Lane's colony

    Lane's colony
    Lane colony consisted of 107 men lasted for only eight months.His men explore the countryside with the intent of finding a better site for settlement.On June 18 or 19 1586 a fleet led by Sir Francis Drake left Roanoke carrying the first English colonists back home.
  • 1592

    serving as muster master general and clerk of the check of the garrison and remained there for the rest of his life.
  • Death 1603

    Lane died in Dublin ireland in October 1603 was buried at st.Patrick church on the 28 of that month