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The Ralph Lane Colony

  • 1563

    Lane and the Queen

    Lane was serving in the Queens court
  • 1569

    Accolades to Lane

    He gained accolades for his military skill
  • 1571

    First time with ships

    Lane had involved himself in maritime affairs which included a queen’s commission to seize ships
  • 1580

    Lane's plans

    He was developing plans and offering his services in helping England struggle with Spain
  • Directing

    Lane received a commission to go to Ireland and direct the construction of forts
  • The Europeans left

    even ships with about 600 men under the overall command of Sir Richard Grenville left England
  • Invitation

    The colony had come ashore and built a fort following an invitation from the Indians
  • Lanes first sail

    The queen called Lane to sail to Roanoke in Virginia
  • Bringing them back home

    a fleet led by Sir Francis Drake left Roanoke carrying the first English colonists back home.
  • The colony suffered

    Lane’s colony of 107 men lasted for only eight months. Lane’s men explored the countryside with the intent of finding a better site for settlement. The colony suffered because of the lack of supplies and Lane’s lack of skill in dealing with the Indians.