Period: to
Quality in Craftmanship
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
The change of handwork to the machines -
Quality in Industrial Revolution
Appear the qualitu control by inspeccion, thsi because began tthe build of the firsts factories in some cities -
Statistical Quality Control
Period: to
Quality Assurance
jk m, klmlm -
Edward Deming
Develop the Statistical Product Quality Administration -
Joseph Juran
Creator of the studies of the costs of poor quality -
Armand Feigenbaum
Use for the first time the phrase "Total Quality Control" -
Period: to
Philip Crosby
He develop the methodology DIRFT "do it right the first time" -
Period: to
Total Quality Management
Period: to
Performance Excellence
ISO 9001:1994
ISO 9001:2000
Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award