The Progressive Era

By b3yah
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation in order to persuade rebellious states to rejoin the Union. This proclamation freed slaves in states not under Union control.
  • First Transcontinental Railroad

    Railroad companies Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad were chosen to be the first Transcontinental Railroads, which streched across the western United States connecting the Pacific coast at San Francisco Bay with the existing Eastern U.S. railroads. This encouraged further settlement in the West as it made travelling their cheaper and easier.
  • The 15th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment was passed and allowed for African American men to be able to vote. However, since many white people still didn't want them to have this much freedom, they engraved things into the syestem that allowed them to be disenfranchised, by doing things like only allowing them to vote if they pass a nearly impossible literacy test, by lynching, the grandfather clause, character tests and poll taxing.
  • Woman's Christian Temperance Union founded

    founded by women who believed that alcohol was destroying America, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was an organization that allowed these women to publicly proclaim their oppositions to alcohol. Some leaders, like Carrie Nation protested alcohol by breaking bar windows.
  • Exoduster Take Off

    In 1979, tens of thousands of African Americans migrated to Kansas for the price of $5, in beliefs that they would be able to purchase land and be free under their own control.
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    The Supreme Court case Plessy V. Ferguson that implied "sepatate but equal" was constitutional. Because of this ruling, Jim Crow laws segregating blacks and whites became the norm.
  • Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President

    President Roodevelt steps into power after William McKinley. Under his power, there were double the national parks, 50 wildlife santuaries were put in place, and several Progressive reforms for the American public were outlined.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act Passed

    After allegations going around about unknown ingredients being added to food, and later science proving these allegations to be true, the Pure Food and Drug Act is finally passed, ensuring that the consumers know what's in their food and that the adulteration of food be banned.
  • Meat Inspection Act of 1906

    The Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was passed in Congress to address the conditions of meat distributed to Americans and Immigrant employee's jobs. During this time, it wasn't uncommon for a consumer to get food poisoning. This effected their abilities to work.
  • The 18th Amendment

    The 18th Amendment is passed, banning the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol. This was done in attempts to to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America.
  • The 19th Ammendment

    After many, many years of women protesting for they rights, the 19th Amendment is finally passed, allowing women to vote. During the 20th century, womens societal roles went from upkeeping the house to becoming a part of the industrial revolution. They began to work more educate themselves and give birth to fewer children.