
The Progression of Video Games

  • The first video game

    The first video game
    "Tennis For Two," was the name of the first ever video game. William Higinbotham was the creator of this game. He spent years making different schematics to create the game. When it was complete he showed it off by having two people play the game. The game was hooked up to an analog computer and used an oscilloscope for a screen.
  • Video games are Introduced to Television

    Video games are Introduced to Television
    Ralph Baer made the first-ever proto-type console for a video game. Ralph Baer was named the father of video games after his invention in 1967. Before his inventions, the idea of playing video games on a Tv wasn't even a thought. people believed that you could only play on computers, and this changed their minds.
  • The Magnavox Odyssey launches

    The Magnavox Odyssey launches
    The Magnavox Odyssey was the first modern video game console to ever exist. It was based on Baers Brown box one of Baers' many prototypes for video game consoles.
  • Pong

    In the same year that the Odyssey was released. Atari released Pong the first video game to grab hold of the publics attention, and start what many called "Video Game Mania."
  • Ataris first Gaming System

    Ataris first Gaming System
    The Atari 2600 was seen as the producer of the more modern consoles we see today. It brought more games to the table and captured the attention of many. The video game buss was off the charts during this time.
  • E.T the Game... A Massive Disappointment

    E.T the Game... A Massive Disappointment
    E.T. The game was a video game made by Atari that was based on the 1982 film. The game was made and put out to the public, and the public did not like what they got. Considered one of the worst games ever made, and was the most common Game that Atari would later bury in the new Mexico dessert.
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    The Surplus of Video Games

    During this time the market for video games was up 100% but the factories were producing the game cartridges 175%. Causing an Atari to bury tens of thousands of cartridges in the new Mexico desert. They did this to help with the video game market crash,industry's%20saturation%20point%20was%20imminent.
  • Video Game Hall of Fame

    Video Game Hall of Fame
    With the release of the NES, we will see the birth of some of the most popular games in the world to this date. With Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy.
  • The Video Game Industry is Back.

    The Video Game Industry is Back.
    With the drop of the New gaming system from Nintendo the NES (The Nintendo Entertainment System). We will see a new uproar in the gaming market.
  • Gaming Enters the Real World

    Gaming Enters the Real World
    Before mostly all video games were based on fictional events and characters. In 1988 they wanted to make the first Madden NFL game that would be gaming companies wake-call to "Grow Up"
  • The Game Boy

    The Game Boy
    The Game Boy would be welcomed to the public. Where we would see the first generation of "Ipad" kids. The Game Boy would allow you to take your favorite games on the road with you.
  • The Sega Genesis

    The Sega Genesis
    With the Sega Genesis, we got introduced to one of the most popular and classic characters in gaming history. Sonic the Hedge. The realese of the Genesis would now start a the console wars.
  • Sony and Nintendo Break Up

    Sony and Nintendo Break Up
    Sony wanted to get in on the money in the gaming industry and would team up with Nintendo to work on the future of gaming. This partener ship would not last and Sony and Nintendo would break up in the year of 1992
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    Blood and Gore

    From 1992 to 1993, we started to see more violence being brought to the video game screen. The first first-man shooter was released to the public and many more games like Mortal Kombat. Causing the Creation of the Entertainment Software Rating Board. Which rates the games and how violent they are or what content they contain an gives them an age
  • The Birth of the Playstation

    The Birth of the Playstation
    A couple of years after the breakup between Sony and Nintendo. Sony would come out with its own Gaming console the PlayStation 1. The PlayStation would bring CD based gameplay to the table and the world would slowly start to drift from Cartridge based games.
  • Online Gamine

    Online Gamine
    A couple of years after the release of the PlayStation Sega would go on to release a new console called the Dreamcast. Which would go on to be quite a success and also bring Online gaming into the world.
  • X Box

    X Box
    Microsoft begins to get its foot in the door with its own Gaming Console. The Orignal X box would later on give us one of the most popular gaming franchises Halo.
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    Present Gaming

    After Microsoft joined the picture the last 22 years of gaming can be summed up to making advancements with the gaming tech that would allow gamers to have the best gaming experience they could ever want.