The Progression of Computers

  • The First Computer

    This was a very basic binary mechanical calculator (computer). This calculator took readings from punched tape.
  • Banks start seeing computers

    This is when the first bank computers were invented and used to automate the check cashing process.
  • The Computer Chip

    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invented the integrated chip, known as a computer chip. These chips were highly functional compared to the technology of the time.
  • The First Video Games

    The first computer video game was released.
  • The mouse is invented

    The computer mouse was invented as we know it today, likely without the cord.
  • The Internet

    This was the first internet known as ARPANET. Many people do not know this as there was very minimal access.
  • Period: to

    Personal Computers

    Technology based companies really start to take off. Personal computers were sold and developed in this time
  • Microsoft

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen
  • The Internet as we know it

    A computer revolution called the World Wide Web. Started by Tim Berners-Lee
  • The Laptop

    The first efficient and marketable portable computer.
  • Internet Capable Cell Phones

    Nokia created a phone that had internet capabilities.