Corrupt Practices Reform
People started to use the secret ballot in 1872, too many politicians were using great sums of money to win over peoples votes for them. In 1883 William Gladden proposed new way stop them from using their wealth to win votes. -
Teddy Roosevelt
He was a hero of the rough riders, became a legand in his own time, As governor he wanted to reform governement and regulate big buisness. The republicans were sick of his progressive efforts they tried to drill him out of government by having him go up against McKinley for election. -
Progressivism was the reform act to help the crowded cities and horrible working conditions. -
Labor Reform
Progressives an labor-union activists campaigned laws for prohibiting or limiting child labor and improving conditions for the women workers. -
H.G Wells
In the late 19th century, politicians were often the only champions of the urban poor or newly arrived immigrant. H.G Wells was a british writer who noted this aspect or partongage when he interviewed Alderman Kenna. -
Wisconsin Idea
Reform prgroam created by La Follette that became a model for the other states. THe wisconsin Idea a program of progresive reforms. -
Public Service Reform
As the populations soared the abilities for the cities to clean up garbage collection, safe and affordable housing, health care and police and fire protection.Progressive reformers published articles and books documenting theses problems. In 1901 the New York State Tenement House Bill was passed. -
Newlands Reclamation Act
This act allowed money from the sales of public land to be used for irrigation and reclamtion to help damaged land become productive again. Roosevelt help preserve the public lands and created a wildlife sanctuary and national parks. -
Lincoln Steffens
Steffens magazine had published 1hundreds of articles on corruption, he also published Tweed days in St. Louis. He was what roosevelt said a muckracker. -
National Child Labor Comittee
This organization worked to pursuade state legislatures to pass laws against employing young children. Jane Addams help organize this group, by 1912 they had helped 39 states pass these laws. -
Square Deal
The square deal became Roosevelts campaing slogan. He promised that everyman has a square deal no more no less. The pledge summed up Roosevelts beleif in balancing the interests of labor, buisness and consumers. This limited the power of trusts promoting public health and saftey and improving working conditions. -
Robert La Follette
e was known as "Fighting Bob" , and as one of the most energetic leaders,. He won over farmer, the middle class and the working class to suppor progressivism. Government in 1900 his Wisconsin Idea, and elected him U.S Senate in 1905 -
Upton Sinclair
He published 'The Jungle' which was used as an attack on the awful and unsanitary conditions of Chicago and the meat -packing industry specifically. He warned the public about the consequences of the Capitalist greed. -
William Jennings Bryan
He was nominated by the democrats, his prolabor platform won the backing of the American Federation of Labor. -
Jane Addams
In 1909 she helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In 1915 it won its first case. Jane also helped reform the publics less fourtunate people with laws and groups. -
Social Justice Reforms
Progressive intellectuals called for a strong activist government. But instead of helping only the buisness classes interests, Croly beleived they needed to help all the citzens. -
Association for the Advancement of Colored National People
Jane Addamse help found this association to help publicize the racial inequality and called for social reforms that would ensure equal rights for African Americans. This helped eventually lead to the th amendment. -
17th Amendment
Constitutional amendment that provided for te direct electin of the U.S Senators. Progressives didnt want anyone cheating in the ballots so they made sure no one payed to get voted. -
Eugene Debs
He ran for president as the socialist party representaive. He was all for progressivism , he won about 900,000 popular votes but no electorial votes and lost the election. -
William H. Taft
He was an unhappy president, a judge at heart he eventually became chief justice of the Supreme court. Progressives attacked Taft for sabotaging Roosevelts conversation program. -
16th Amendment
Cnstitutional amendment that authorized an individual income tax. Progressives had supported this as a way to fund needed government programs. -
Woodrow Wilson
He made his first inaugural addres in 1913 and eloquently summed up the spirit of progressivre freform, and in 1913 congress passed Underwood Tariff Act. -
Federal Reserve Act
In 1913 Wilson helped pass the Federal Reserve Act which crated a 3 level banking system. At the top was the Federal Reserve Board a group appointed by the president, the second 12 federal reserve banks under mixed public and private control. The third were Private banks. -
Charles Evans Hughes
Lost the election in 1916 to President Wilsons Reelection. -
18th Amendment
The Eighteenth Amendment was the comstitutional amendmndment that barred the manufacture,sale, or importation of alchoholic beverages. Was eventually removed in 1933. Progressivests wanted to clean up what seemed to be imoral to them, the use of alcohol. -
19th Amendment
Cosnstitutional amendment that granted women fulll voting rights. In 1916 women wanted to know what President Wilson would do for their rights. -
Womens Christian Temperance Union
Reformers belevied that the cause to most of the social problems came from alcohol usage. The WCTU led the crusade against alcohol sending speakers around to cities to stop the use of alcohol. which eventually led to the 18th amendment. -
Hiram Johnson
He was the Senator of the United States of America in 1922. He stated that "We ask only to live our own life in our own way, in friendshio and sympathy with all, in alliance with none". -
henrymakow.com, en.wikipedia.org, themillercircle.org, en.wikipedia.org, beginningofahero.com, en.wikipedia.org, clevelandleader.com, bajan.wordpress.com, ww2.ramapo.edu,dosomething.org, en.wikipedia.org, schoolworkhelper.net, thinkprogress.org, womenslens.blogspot.com