Exposition 1: At the bigging of the movie, the little boy is sick. His grandpa comes to his house and gives him a gift. The gift is a book, a really special book called "The Princess Bride". Grandpa starts to read the book to his grandson. -
Westley and Buttercup
2 Exposition: When the movie first starts, it starts when Westley and Buttercup are on the farm. Buttercup is telling all these things for Westley to do. After she says it he says back "As you wish." -
Westley Leaves Buttercup
3 Exposition: Westley decides to leave the farm and join the crew on the Dread Ship Pirate Roberts. -
Buttercup Engaged
1 Rising Action: Prince Humperdinck wants Buttercup to marry him. Since Buttercup believes Westley has died on the Dread Ship, she agrees. -
Kidnapping Buttercup
2 Rising Action: Prince Humperdinck plots to have the princess kidnapped so he can start a war. He hires three thieves, Vizzini the Sicilian, Fezzik the giant, and Indigo Montoya, the fighter seeking revenge for his dead father. -
Buttercup tries to escape
3 Rising Action: Buttercup tries to escape by jumping off the boat. But she is almost eaten by a screaming eel, and Fezzik pulls her up at the last second. -
Westley Saves Buttercup Part 1
4 Rising Action: Westley follows the ship with Buttercup on it, and catches up with them. He fights Indigo after climbing the Walls of Insanity. But no one knows it's Westley. They all think he is the Dread Pirate Roberts. -
Westley Saves Buttercup Part 2
5 Rising Action: After defeating Indigo, Westley catches up to Fezzig and has to fight him too. Fezzig throughs a rock at him, and misses on purpose so they can fight like men. Westley chokes him and says, "May you dream of large women." -
Westley Saves Buttercup Part 3
6 Rising Action: After defeating the giant, Westley catches up to Vizzini and Buttercup. He has to win a game of wits against Vizzini where he poisons two glasses, and Vizzini has to decide which to drink from. Westley is immune to the poison, and wins either way. Inconceivable!! -
Rolling Down the Hill
7 Rising Action: Buttercup thinks Westley is the Dread Pirate Roberts who killed her Sweet Westley, so she pushes him down the hill, telling him he can die for all she cares. As he's rolling down the hill, he screams "AS...YOU...WISH..." She realizes it's Westley and starts to roll down the hill after him. -
Westley saves Buttercup Part 4
8 Rising Action: Westley and Buttercup escape from Prince Humperdinck through the fire swamp. They have to learn how to get around the bursts of flame, the sand that sucks you in, and the ROUS' (Rodents of Unusual Size). -
Westley is Captured
9 Rising Action: After Westley and Buttercup come out of the Fire Swamp, Westley is captured by Prince Humperdinck and taken away. -
Westley Tortured
10 Rising Action: Prince Humberdinck wants to kill Westley so he is sure to not have his plan of war spoiled. He puts Westley in the Pit of Dispair to be tortured. -
Westley Screams
11 Rising Action: Indigo and Fezzik hear the screams of Westley and know they must find him so he can help Indigo find the six fingered man who killed his father. -
Westley Rescued
12 Rising Action: Indigo and Fezzik find Westley "mostly dead". They have to find a way to bring him back to life. -
Bringing Westley Back to Life
13 Rising Action: Indigo and Fezzik find Miracle Max. Miracle Max gives Westley a pill to bring him back to life. -
Buttercup Waits
14 Rising Action: Prince Humberdinck has lied to Buttercup, telling her that Westley was taken back to the Dread Ship. While Westley was being tortured, Buttercup has asked Prince Humperdinck to send his ships to find Westley and bring him back. -
Breaking Into the Castle
1 Climax: Westley, Indigo and Fezzik find a way to break into the castle to both stop Buttercup's wedding and to find the man who killed Indigo's father. -
The Wedding
2 Climax: Westley has not yet come to save Buttercup, so she has to marry Prince Humperdinck. -
Indigo gets revenge
3 Climax: Indigo finally finds the six fingered man who killed his father. He gets his revenge. "My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" -
Westley find Buttercup
4 Climax: Westley finds Buttercup in her room about to kill herself because she married Prince Humperdinck. He tells her she didn't actually say "I do", so they aren't actually married. -
Tieing up Humperdinck
5 Climax: Westley tricks Prince Humberdinck into thinking he is still strong, and has Buttercup tie the Prince up. Westley and Buttercup can finally get away. -
1 Falling Action: Fezzig has found 4 white horses for them all to escape the castle and ride to freedom. Buttercup jumps out the window to the horses. But just before Westley and Indigo do, Westley makes Indigo the new Dread Pirate Roberts. -
Happily Ever After
1 Resolution: Westley and Buttercup are finally free to live their lives together on the farm. -
The End
2 Resolution: The little boy wants his grandpa to come back and read him the story again tomorrow. The grandpa says, "As you wish."