Reagan is inaugurated
52 American Hostages in Iran
Reagan proposes increased defense spending and a tax decrease
Reagan submits budget proposal to Congress for 1982
President Reagan is shot
President Reagan is released after recovering from a gunshot wound
Reagan lifts embargo act against Soviet Union
Sandra Day O'Connell nominated to Supreme Court
Reagan fires air traffic controllers for violating federal regulations against industry strikes
Reagan signs tax cut into law
Reagan calles for "New Federalism" in his State of the Union Address
Reagan becomes the 1st U.S. President to address the combined House of Parliament
Reagan visits West Berlin
Reagan signs TEFRA
Reagan signs the Social Security Reform Law
Final phase of tax cut goes into effect
Reagan's State of the Union Address for Congress to cooperate and reduce the deficit
Reagn nominated to run a second term
Reagan is re-elected for a second term
Summit meeting with the Soviet Union
Reagan's farewell