During Ronald Reagan's inaugural speech he outlined his future policies with one of his most famous quotes. "Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem." -
Reagan's Bill Passes
Reagan proposed major tax cuts during his presidency. By proposing a bill, he hoped to have a 30% tax cut over a three year period. With a compromise, Congress passed his bill with a 25% tax cut over three years. -
Conservative Judges
Reagan appoints Sandra Day O'Conner to the Supreme Court, making history for the first women to ever be a judge in the United States Supreme Court. -
Supply-side Economics
The 5% economic growth rate was received with joy and one of Reagan's advisers, Budget Director David Stockman, sees supply-side economics as a way to benefit the rich. -
Address to the British House of Commons
Reagan addresses the British House of Commons. "The march of freedom and democracy... will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history." Hoping to abolish communist ways and views from Europe. -
Troops to Lebanon
Reagan was known for his military spending and in August of 1982, he sent American troops to Lebanon to help in the midst of a war. There was not much known about this peacekeeping mission, and it was not in favor of many. -
Strategic Defensive Initiative
The origin of Star Wars. Reagan's plan to construct space lazers, capable of protecting America from oncoming nuclear missles. Not only crazy for the time, but technologically impossible. -
U.S. Troops Invade Grenada
Containing communism continued through Reagan's presidency. In 1983 U.S. troops invaded the island of Grenada, overthrowing the Marxist dictatorship that had been established there. -
Berlin Wall
Reagan gives a speech in Germany about the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. After West Berlin is attacked by Libya, Reagan orders an unsuccessful air strike. -
Washington Summit
Reagan and Goborchev meet in Washington to discuss nuclear weapons and to sign the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty. This treaty limited the nuclear power of both the Soviets and the United States. The summit served as the first U.S, and Soviet meeting to discuss limiting nuclear warheads and monitoring nuclear plants.