President Deodoro da Fonseca dissolves Congress and is deposed.
Constitution creates a decentralized federation
Constitution gives the federation strong state's rights, assuring them that they had rights to contract foriegn debts without meditation of any financial institution at the national level, encouraging forigen trade. -
Nilo Pacanha becomes the first person of mixed race to become president.
Even though Pecanha was mixed, he was an elite man who was not sensitive to racial matters. -
A contested presidential election.
Catulo sings at the presidential palace
Politices was incorporated into music, and politics also used music and popular culture to their advantage. -
After a fruadulent election, Artur Bernardes takes office as president
A revolt lead by lieutenanats breaks out in Igrejinha on Copacabana Beach
Senior officers respond to the revolt by giving loyalty to the government and lead troops against Copacabana and eventually, the rebels lose. This initiated several revolts to end the Republic in 1930 -
Cadets and young officers in Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul rise in revolt a second time
Cadets and Young officers retreat to the rual interior and regroup as a guerrilla force. The band called themselves the Prestes Column. -
The Founding of the Liberal Alliance.
Late 1920s -
The reevolution against the oligarchy hegemony begins
Getulio Vargas is put in presidency of the republic
Currency-exchange controls imposed.
Controls are never completely removed after this time -
New constitution promulgated, Vargas given four year term.
Clandestine Communist Party launches a military intersection to overthrow the government
The communist party had been closely directed by soviet agents operating out of Montevideo, and all 3 attacks occured at army barracks. -
Ethnic integration an official euphemism for mix racing
Mix racing becomes policy of authoritarian state, declared by Vargas. -
Civilians and military leaders behind the imposition of dictatorship borrows from European Facism.
They lean towards Mussolini than Hitler in contempt of liberal democracy, nationalism, and government organization tactics. -
Facist Integralist Putsch against presidential palace.
Period: to
The rate of inflation stands at 8 percent
Depression in Brazil worsens as Vargas does little to creat jobs. -
Vargas creates the National Service for Industrial Training, a major turning point for social policy
Ouster of Getulio Vargas
Inaguration of Volta Redonda; first national steel mill
Popular Campain for Hunger created
The campain publishes lists of merchants pricing food at excessive prices. -
Labor unions call for successful general strike, Vargas appoints Joao Goulart as labor minister
Vargas commits suicide.
Vargas commits suicide hours before a military coup could move him out of office. -
Sart of construction of new capital; Brasilia
Bossa Nova in three regional centers; Rio, Sao Paulo and Salvador
Armed forces Oust civilian government
Brazil's national bank fully established
Arena conta Zumbi, a musical about a slave uprising led by Zumbi, premieres
The song Caetano (Tropicalia) by Gilberto Gil lends it's name to a musical movemet
The enactment of Institutional Act. No 5
The Institutional Act. no 5 considerably strengthens the goverments repressive control -
Election of Fernando Collor de Mello becomes first directly elected president sinc 1960
Collor (1990-1992) soon becoms unpopular with the masses ob Brazilians due to corruption within his cabinents -
Hyperinflation reaches 2500 percent, introduction of Real Plan
Congress of Social movements meet
6 percent GDP growth, 45% move up from poverty
Period: to
Dilma Rousseff is Presdent
from 2011 - current -
Massive protests erupt
Period: to
Protest Cycle
World Cup in Rio is held
Commodity with China slows down