Jan 1, 1550
1550 B.C
An Egyptian manuscprit entitled Ebers Papyrus directs women on how to mix dates, acacia anhoney into a paste, smear it over wool and use it as a pessary to prevent pregnancy -
Casanova's memoirs detail his experiments in birth control, from sheep-bladder condoms to the use of half a lemon as a makeshift cervical cap -
Europenan Contraceptive Methods- 1800's
Solutions of diffrent copper salts were drunk as contraceptives -
The Comstock Law
Congress passes an antiobscenity law that deems birth control info obscene and outlaws its dissemination. At the time, the U.S. is the only Western nation to criminalize contraception -
Family Planning Clinic
Margaret Sanger opens America's first family-planning clinic, in Brooklyn. It is shut down within 10 days -
Planned Parenthood Goes to Jail
Margaret Sanger, the founder of International Planned Parenthood, was jailed for giving contraceptives to immagrant women at a Brooklyn clinic. -
The first sex hormone ever isolated was the female sex hormone estrone, it was obtained by the urine of pregnant women. -
Birth Contol : Religion
Anglican bishops approve limited use of birth control; Pope Pius XI affirms church teaching against contraception -
Birth-Controll is Partially Free
A judge lifts the federal obscenity ban on birth control, but contraception remains illegal in most states -
Contraceptives Attemps
In Mexico City, chemist Carl Djerassi creates a progesterone pill. This pill contains only synthetic progestogens (progestins) and do not contain estrogen. -
Enovid Approval
Enovid was given limited approval by the Food and Drug Administaration as a treatmeant for menstrual irregularities. With the approval of this drug nearly half a million women were taking this drug for "menstrual irregularities" -
The Pill is Free !
In May, the FDA announces its approval of Enovid as a birth control pill -
Law & The Pill
In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court strikes down state laws prohibiting contraception for married couples at this time in history 6.5 million American women are on the pill. -
The Pill for All
10.5 million American women are taking the Pill -
Hormone Research
Gregory Pincus begins research on the use of hormones in contraception. -
384 B.C
The Greek philosopher Aristotle is one of the first people to use natural chemicals such as cedar oil, lead ointment or frankincense oil as spermicides.