The Persian Empire

  • 224

    Ardashir I

    a persian vassal-king, rebelled agianst the perthians, and defeted them in battle of Hormuz, and founded a new persian dynasty that of Sassanids. AD
  • Period: 300 to Dec 31, 1200

    The Persian Empire

  • 513

    king darius I

    darius himself crossed over europe and conquered the area between the danube and aegean coast to the borders of macedonia.BC
  • 521

    King Darius I

    521-548 Dariuscrushed all resistance to his accession to the throne
  • 522

    Variation (Geography)

    Ancient Persian Geography
    All boundaries, and borders of countries, are approximate. The area controlled by a king varied from time to time thus making different territories and their borders change constantly. Even the coast-line has varied over the years due to erosion and other factors, especially in the Gulf of Persia.
  • Jan 1, 675

    Khshathrita/ Phraortes unites the Median tribes and expels the Assyrians from northeastern Iran

    Khshathrita/ Phraortes unites the Median tribes and expels the Assyrians from northeastern Iran 675 BC
  • Jan 1, 1200

    The Coming of the Persians (Geography)

    Origins of the Persian EmpireFrom the Central Asiainto the West Asia came Indo European people called the Persians and the Medes. It is assumed that they were a nomadic tribe that eventually traveled down through the Casucasus into the Iranian plateau. The Persians were ruled by the Medes until the Persians took the throne by the hands of Cyrus the Great. He managed to overthrow the Medens and conquered the kingdoms of Lydia and Babylonia.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Zoroaster's Vision (Religion)

    Zoroaster's Vision (Religion)
    Zoroaster's Vision
    The year that Zoroastrianism was believed to be created. The Phrophet Zoroaster created this religion in Iran where he was raised and made to worship in the polytheistic religion of his people. When he was 30 he had a vision and thus from it created Zoroastrianism
  • the Hittites invent irons and build the first weapons made of iron

    Metallurgy is a domain of materials science and materials engineering that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds, and their mixtures, which are called alloys. Metallurgy is also the technology of metals: the way in which science is applied to the production of metals, and the engineering of metal components for use in products for consumers and manufacturers. 1800 BC
  • the Babylonians employ a duodecimal system (a system based on 12 and 6) to measure time

    The duodecimal system (also known as base-12 or dozenal) is a positional notation numeral system using twelve as its base. In this system, the number ten may be written as "A", "T" or "X", and the number eleven as "B" or "E" (another common notation, introduced by Sir Isaac Pitman, is to use a rotated "2" (ᘔ) for ten and a reversed "3" (Ɛ) for eleven). The number twelve (that is, the number written as "12" in the base ten numerical system) is instead written as "10". 1800
  • The Next Ruler

    thew next ruler of note was yazdegerd I, who reigned in peace from 399 tgo 420; he at first allowed the persian cristians freedom of woship and may even have contemplated becoming a Christan himeself, but later he returned to zoroastrianism of his forbares and luanched a 4- year campian of ruthless persecution against the cristions
  • the death of king Daius

    Dariusi died and was succeeded by his son Xerxes I. after reconquering Egypt Xerxes was ready to take up his father's plans for Greece. the army he assembled was far largwer then the Greek's had seen before. BC
  • asecond Persian launced a expedition

    a persian expedition scaked Eretria and then landed at Marathon less then 40 km (25mi) northeast of Athens, the athenians had appeald for help for help to other greek states and especially to sparta, but in deciding battle faced the persian force almost alone. Due to the stratrgy of Athenian genral Miltiades, the force of 10,000 greek infantrymen defeata much numerous enemy. BC
  • Ancient Persian Geography (Geography)

    Ancient Persian Geography (Geography)
    Ancient Persian Geography
    By the end of the rule of Darius I (522-486 BC) the terrian of the Persian empire spread. The empire's rule went from the Indus river to Greece. They conqured Medes (western Turkey), Babylon, and Egypt as well as several other smaller countries in between the the furthest reaches of the empire (the Indus River in the east and Greece in the west)
  • the persians launced an expedition

    to gain control of the central Aegean and to punish Athens and Eretria for assisting the lonian rebels.after initial successes in the northen Greece the Persians mved agasinst Athens but were turned back when mopst ofg the ships were lost in a storm.
  • Susa is founded in western Persia

    Susa is founded in western Persia 4200 BC