Article untold truths about the american revolution

The Path to Revolution 1763-1776 Apush

  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    These here Britz think we aint goin to cross dez moutains, they betta think beta. Thes foots be crossen over anyways.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Yoo why u taxing our suga? we got to make some of that good stuff to sell(rum) and now we cant cause you britz making us pay more.
  • Currency Act 1764

    Currency Act 1764
    Those Brits think they come on us, while we over there printing some of theses north American dough cuz they think we got nothin' to back them up, but we still do it anywayz
  • Stamp Act 1765

     Stamp Act 1765
    Will we here at America chillin and killin printing some magazine this littler red coats trying to tax but we said "no taxation with out some hood repen."
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    So Im jus chillin with da wife and den da Britz suddendly tell us we gotta house dey soldiers. Dont dey got dey own mommas?
  • Declaratory Act

     Declaratory Act
    da britz did what was gud for dem becuz dey, lessened dem taxes from all dem acts we didnt need and gud thing too becuz i had child support to pay.
  • Repeal of stamp act

    Repeal of stamp act
    Bruh we here saying we dont want taxes and theis britz take them awy but they make a new act on saying that rich land owning men dont gotta pay them but the rest do this aint fare gonna break some caps
  • townshed duties june 15 to july 12 1767

    townshed duties june 15 to july 12 1767
    these britz come in my crib while we tryn' to watch the game and they think they da bomb and sit on my couch too oh hell na and yet they tell me to bring the chips while they tax me, na me and my homee dogs gonna get you
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    On day my homes Eli and me drinking Tea here like them white rich kids and then and then Patrik calls and says them Britz be taxing that tea so i was like hold me back, got my homies and we be drinking salty tea tonight.
  • intolarable acts

    intolarable acts
    they think they can close our ports over some tea these brits straight tripping dawg man my t.v. anit getting here til wesday after the game.
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    the shot that even your momma heard we over here fighting like those cool war movies in slow motion but yet those britiz just got that w from us and walked way