Fto papel

The paper

  • 100 BCE

    the parchment

    the parchment
    Year 100 a.c.
    The parchment
    Many years ago, parchment was one of the only tools for writing. it is called parchment because it was invented in the city of Pergamum, it is made of a material made of lambskin and other animals
    The present is considered one of the oldest manuscripts in history
  • 751

    the paper route from the East to the West: the Arabs

    the paper route from the East to the West: the Arabs
    In the year 751, when the Arab expedition was going to the Chinese border, the military governor of the caliphate of Baghdad captured, in Samarkand, after the Battle of Fabrics, two paper manufacturers. With his help, he built a paper mill in this city, a suitable place for it, since it had plenty of water, irrigation canals and fields of flax and hemp
  • 1000

    Spain advanced of the paper in the western world

    Spain advanced of the paper in the western world
    n the 10th century there is an era of cultural splendor in this city. The library of Alhaquen II came to have 400,000 volumes. If Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, large cultural centers, owned paper mills, why not Cordoba, which had a large river, rags, starch and the libraries and archives of the Caliphate ?. Therefore, in Muslim Spain there must have been paper mills in Cordoba, Seville, Granada and Toledo during the tenth and eleventh centuries.
  • 1440

    Due to the growing consumption of paper, obtaining raw materials, which was almost exclusively from old rags, will create a serious problem between the papermakers and the ragpickers

  • Paper was an essential means to keep alive the complex web of relationships political and human between the Metropolis and the Indies.

    The Spanishization and Christianization of
    Latin America would not have been possible without the presence of this important cultural vehicle.
    As an example, in the second half of the 17th century they left the ports of Seville and Cádiz
    34.983 paper balls (one ball had 24 reams and one ream 500 sheets). Although part
    of this paper was made in Spanish mills, especially Catalans, fundamentally
    came from the craft centers of France and Genoa
  • The mill is modernized: the Dutch pile and other advances, In the mid-seventeenth century, the Dutch made a decisive breakthrough in the manufacture of paper

    The mill is modernized: the Dutch pile and other advances, In the mid-seventeenth century, the Dutch made a decisive breakthrough in the manufacture of paper
    Due to the lack of hydraulic power, their mills were powered by energy wind. For the crushing of rags, they invented, around the year 1670, the 'refining machine of cylinder ', which serves, even today after several modifications and improvements, for the decomposition of fibers. His technique provided, in five or six hours, the same amount of pasta than a hammer mill, with five piles, in twenty-four hours.
  • 18th century: Resurgence of the paper industry in Spain

    18th century: Resurgence of the paper industry in Spain
    After its promising beginnings, the manufacture of paper in Spain lived periods of greater
    or lower prosperity until reaching the eighteenth century considered the golden age of manufacturing
    of paper in our country and especially in Catalonia.
  • K.W. Scheele discovered the effect of chlorine to increase the whiteness of pasta of paper, so that they could be used, for its elaboration, thicker rags and Colored

  • The appearance of the first daily newspapers like the Times

    There is a great demand
    of paper, giving rise to a series of investigations that have their fruit, not only in the
    search for new raw materials, but in the invention of the continuous paper machine
  • The year 1799 is the starting point of a complete revolution in the manufacture of paper

    The invention of the continuous going to paper machine, patented by the French Louis Robert.With her
    It can manufacture leaves from twelve to fifteen meters in length.
  • The role as a cultural vehicle in America.

    Before the cultural challenge of the Renaissance and the invention of the printing press, the Spanish papermakers
    they are powerless to respond to the increase in demand for this material, produced
    for the discovery and colonization of America. In addition, in these years there is a
    recession of the crafts, due to the continuous wars and the expulsion of
    Moriscos (excellent artisans) and Jews (great connoisseurs of commerce).
  • Robert could not perfect it and complete it and it was developed in England by the Fourdrinier brothers

    That they had
    acquired the patent, in collaboration with the Dartford Hall machines factory and little
    time later by the English engineer Bryan Donkin.
  • In Spain, the invention took several years to arrive.

    The first continuous paper mill is
    founded in 1840, in Manzanares el Real (Madrid). A short time later they were created
    Factory in Burgos, of short duration, and 'La Esperanza' of Tolosa
  • Great demand for paper: the printing press

    Great demand for paper: the printing press
    Ohann Gutenberg, from Mainz, invents typographic art, with which you can
    compose texts of any length and obtain a large number of copies.
    The printing press gave a true measure of the value and usefulness of the paper since it gathered, in addition
    of its graphic qualities, the abundant, cheap being (it cost the tenth part that the
    parchment), durable, portable and affordable to the huge quantities that required
    the printers
  • Period: to 1772 BCE

    2003 years of the invention of the continuous paper machine: Louis Robert

    Con la Ilustración francesa y la publicación de su gran obra ‘L' Enciclopédie’