Clayton-Bulwar Treaty
Agreement between the United States and Great Britain to cooperatively construct a canal in Central America linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans -
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Overturned the Clayton-Bulwar Treaty; gave the United States the sole authority to build a canal in Central America -
Hay-Herran Treaty (Panama Canal Treaty)
The United States agreed to pay Colombia $10 million and a rent of $250,000/year for rights to a 6-mile wide canal zone; the treaty was later rejected by the Colombian Senate who demanded more money -
Panama Declared Independence from Colombia
With United States support, Panama issued a declaration of independence from Colombia; Roosevelt sent troops and ships to support the rebelllion -
The United States Officially Recognized Panama as a Country
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Panama and the United States agreed to the United States paying Panama $10 million and a rent of $250,000/year for rights to a 10-mile wide canal zone -
President Roosevelt Visited Panama to Review Construction
President Roosevelt became the first president to conduct official foreign travel -
Panama Canal Opened to Vessel Traffic
Passenger Vessel ALCON was the first to make the transit