Period: to
The Pacific Northwest
Captian George Vancouver sails around the Pudget sound - Environment
Many explorers had taken the great northern voyage but missed the water between the Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula. Charles Barkly made the first discovery of this straight but did not explore it. George Vancouver and his crew became the first to explore the area. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition- Government
Thomas Jefferson selected Meriweather Lewis as the leader of the expedition. Lewis asked his old friend Clark to be his co-leader. They sought to find an easy passage through the mountains to the west. -
John Jacob Astor organizes the American Fur Company -Economics
John Jacob Astor started the fur trade company to exploit fur animals on a large scale. Hunting parties were formed to gather such furs. -
The Oregon Trial -Economics
The Oregon Trail was a 2000 miles east to west trail traveled from the Missouri River to Oregon. It was traveled from 1811 to 1840. People migrated to find a way out of poverty, for a chance to own land and make something of themselves. -
Rise in missionary activity -Religion
Even though Indian tribes had practiced flattening their infants foreheads for years in the 1830s there was a rise in missionary activity to convert and educate the natives. -
First log cabin built in Portland -Architecture
The first homes in the pacific northwest were log cabins. -
First Mormon Pineers traveled to Salt lake-Relgion
Mormons traveled from Illinois to salt lake to build a Zion free of religious persecution. Nearly 70,000 took this journey. They were encouraged to establish more than 300 communities from salt lake to California up to Canada. -
The Whitman massacre -Religion
Dr. Marcus Whitman and his wife along with 11 other missionary’s, were murdered by Native Americans who accused them of poisoning 200 natives in his care. -
Cataldo Mission constructed-architecture
Native Americans worked together with Jewists to construct the structure with hand-hewn logs, straw and clay mud from the river. It had hand painted wall paper and decorations made from tin cans were put up around the mission. -
Oregon country Territory-Government
First settlers organized a government for themselves in 1843 and then five years later pressured congress into creating the Oregon Territory. -
Natives forced onto reservations-Environmental
From 1851-1868 the Indians of Oregon were forced onto shrinking reservation’s. -
Oregon gains statehood-Government
After a decade of being a territory Oregon became the nation's 33rd state. -
Gold Rush-Economics
Gold lured many to the eastern part of Washington. Population grew, stores, salons, hotels sprung up in the area. $3million dollars’ worth of gold dust was transported down the Columbia River the next year. -
Oregon Steam Navigation Company-Technology
The Oregon Steam Navigation company operated a fleet of nearly thirty passenger and freight steamboats. They shipped goods from Portland to Montana in 7 days. -
Chinese population rises-Environmental
More than half of Idaho’s miners were Chinese. They were willing to work with patience and accept smaller payout. White's wanted them to leave because of this. -
Anti-mormon cartoon-art
This poster appeared in full color in the West Shore, a Portland booster publication. It shows Mormonism being casted into a fiery pit. -
Hydraulic mining -Technology
High pressure jets of water were used to move rocks and sediments. This was a technique the Chinese would use in the 1880s. -
Great Northern Railroad- Technology
The Great Northern Railroad reaches seattle. Built by James J. Hill.