
The Outsiders' Timeline

By SuperCJ
  • Pony was beaten by the Soc's

    Pony was beaten by the Soc's
    On his way home from the movie house, he was beaten by a group of Soc's. The greasers found that and they helped Pony to fight back. This is important because it is the beginning of the novel and tells us about the relationship between two groups of people, and they always have crash. This event is the basic of the rest stories of the book.
  • First meet with Cherry

    First meet with Cherry
    Pony, Dally, and Johnny went to watch a movie at night in the Dingo and met a girl called Cherry who is a Soc's, and Dally argued with Cherry; Dally wanted to beat Cherry, but Johnny stopped him. Cherry appreciated him a lot and had a talk. When they back to home, the Soc's came to look for trouble, but Cherry stopped them and let Pony to go home. Cherry is an important character in the book because she helped the greasers a lot in the future. This event makes the character to improve.
  • Pony escaped from his home

    Pony escaped from his home
    When Pony got home, Darry was angry at him because he got home too late. Darry gave a slap on Pony's face, then Pony escaped from home to found Johnny in a park. This event indirectly causes Bob's dead, and develops the plot of the novel.
  • Bob's death

    Bob's death
    In the wee hours this day, Pony talked a lot with Johnny, and Pony wanted to run away. Soon, a group of Soc's drived to the park to find Pony. Then the Soc's surrounded Pony and Johnny and struck them because of Cherry. When Pony was drowning by Bob, Johnny killed him by a knife and the rest of the Soc's ran away. This event causes Pony and Johnny's escape to the church. If this event didn't happen, the rest of the stories won't happen.
  • Escape to the church

    Escape to the church
    In the early morning, Pony and Johnny realized that they were in a dangerous situation and they didn't know what to do, so they went to find Dally in the party. Dally told them to go the church by train and gave them some money and gun. Then they went to the train and asleep, and they missed the right destination. This event is the development of the plot which could lead to the climax of the book.
  • 5 days in the church

    5 days in the church
    In the morning, Pony and Johnny arrived at the church and asleep. In they afternoon, they woke up and Johnny bought food, a novel called Gone With The Wind, and implement to change their hairstyle so that they looked more like kids in the countryside. The hair is the symbol of the greasers, so this event is important.
  • Darry picked them up and church got fire

    Darry picked them up and church got fire
    A few days later, Darry came to the church and picked Pony and Johnny up for a meal and talked about what happened these days. When they came back to the church, it was on fire, but there was a child who was stuck in the fire. Pony and Johnny rushed into the church without consideration to save the kid. During this process, all of the three got hurt, especially Johnny. This event shows us that Pony and Johnny are kind, so are the same as all the greasers although they always have fight.
  • Talk in the hospital

    Talk in the hospital
    After they were injured, Pony, Johnny, and Dally were sent to the hospital by ambulance. Darry went to visit them in the hospital, and Pony realized that Darry does love him. They cried and hugged. This event shows us that Darry really loves Pony, although he is strict with Pony, he is concerned about his brothers. In conclusion, he is a nice brother.
  • Randy came to talk with Pony

    Randy came to talk with Pony
    In the afternoon, Pony and Two-bit started for Ten Street, and a group of Soc's came to find them, and the leader of them called Randy talked with Pony about the rumble and Bob. He didn't want to have a fight with the greasers and hoped the world would in peace. In this case we can see that not all the Soc's like violent and stresses the characteristics of Randy.
  • Rumble between two groups

    Rumble between two groups
    At night, two groups of people gathered in a vacant lot. The fight was violent and Pony was hurt and fainted in the rumble. Eventually, the greasers won. This event is the climax of the book, and it contrasts with the later's plot.
  • Johnny's death

    Johnny's death
    After the rumble, a group of greasers went to the hospital to visit Johnny, however, when they got to the hospital, Johnny had been died. This event is important because it pushes the plot to develop, and lead to the next event--Dally's death.
  • Dally's death

    Dally's death
    After hearing the death of Johnny in the midnight, Dally was so upset that he robbed a grocery store, and when he ran away, he was shot by the police, and dead in no time. In this case we can tell that everyone in the greasers is very important, and if one of them died, the whole group will be so sad. Two people's death in one day makes the plot full of twists and turns.
  • Randy had a talk with Pony again

    Randy had a talk with Pony again
    Pony was ill and stayed in the hospital, and Randy visited him. He told Pony to admitted that Johnny killed Bob and everything will be alright. However, Pony insisted that Johnny didn't die, and he killed Bob rather than Johnny. In this event we can see that the relationship between Pony and Johnny is so deep, and it is also a connection between the contexts' development.
  • Trial on the court

    Trial on the court
    On the court, Pony was pronounced to be innocent about Bob's death. He was going to admitted that he killed Bob, but the judge didn't ask him such questions, and eventually, he didn't have to go to the orphanage as well. This event comes as a surprise and makes readers' mood up and down, which makes the novel to be more attractive.
  • Pony read Johnny's letter

    Pony read Johnny's letter
    Back from the court, Ponyboy went home, and noticed a photo of Darry and a leader of Soc's which let him to think about Bob, these dramatic days, and Johnny's favorite novel, Gone With The Wind. When Pony looked through the book, he found a letter from Johnny which told him to stay gold and never gave up. This event is a development of the plot that Pony back to school and start a new life; it is also the theme of the novel.
  • Pony back to school and got an assignment

    Pony back to school and got an assignment
    A few days after, It was closed to the end of the semester, and Pony back to school. His teacher gave him an assignment which is to write a story of himself, and told him that if he finished it, he could get a good mark. Choosing this event for the reason that it develops the plot to the end.
  • Pony Started to write the final assignment

    Pony Started to write the final assignment
    Several days After got the assignment, Pony started to write his adventure few days before. This is important because it is not only the end but also the start of the book, and this event connects the whole story as a circle.