The Outsiders

By Glorisa
  • Ponyboy was beaten by socs.

    Ponyboy was beaten by socs.
    The greasers seeme to be a family, if one is in a trouble, others would help him bravely. Socs always made troubles for the greasers. On the way home, Ponyboy was beaten by soc, and his brothers and friends rescued him on time. Because this experience, the friends didn't want Pony to watch firms lonely. And then, Dally and Johnny went to the cinema with Ponyboy, and they met two socs girls.
  • Ponyboy recollected the first half of his life.

    Ponyboy recollected the first half of his life.
    Ponnyboy recollected the first half of his life. He introduced his brothers and his friends. Different kind of teams are divided by poor and rich, and treated different because of the disparate classes. The greasers seem to be a family, if one is in a trouble, others will help him bravely. Socs always made troubles for the greasers.
  • The greasers went to the cinema, and they met two socs girls.(Happend first)

    The greasers went to the cinema, and they met two socs girls.(Happend first)
    The greasers went to the cinema, and they met two girls. Dally molested them. They girls were angry . At that time, Johnny asked Dally stop to do that. Unusually, Dally walked away. (Johnny is a special person in Dally's heart. If others said that to him, he must be angry. But Johnny said that to him, he just ran away.)
  • Johnny and Ponyboy justified for Dally. (Happend second)

    Johnny and Ponyboy justified for Dally. (Happend second)
    Johnny and Ponyboy justified for Dally, in the chapter 6, Johnny said that he treats Dally as a hero. It expressed how the boys adored Dally, and when Johnny killed Bob and they met troubles, they asked Dally for help.
  • Ponyboy chatted with Cherry when they picked up the two girls.(Happend third)

    Ponyboy chatted with Cherry when they picked up the two girls.(Happend third)
    Then, when they talked about Soda’s horse and the common hobby of watching sunset, After they talked about Darry and Johnny’s family, the girls boyfriends occured. Johnny recognized the ring of one socs, because this is the person who beat him. The girls said it’s nice to be their friend, and Cherry thought if she sees Dally again, she probably loves him.
  • The girls' boyfriends were angry because Pony and Johnny piched the girls up. They wanted to make troubles for the boys.(Happend last)

    The girls' boyfriends were angry because Pony and Johnny piched the girls up. They wanted to make troubles for the boys.(Happend last)
    Ponnyboy told Cherry the thing about Johnny was beaten by socs, Cherry told him socs also have some troubles. She said greasers have a different set of values, they are more emotional and socs are sophisticated. tified(May be this is one reason why Cherry wanted to be a spy.)The socs boys saw Ponnyboy and the greasers were with their girlfriends, so they were angry and wanted to make a troubles for the boys.
  • Pony and Johnny lay on the grass and was late to go back home .Part A

    Pony and Johnny lay on the grass and was late to go back home .Part A
    Johnny and Ponnyboy didn’t want to go home early, so they lay on the grass and saw stars, and finally fell asleep. After they woke up, Johnny went home with Ponny. Dally beat Ponnyboy because of his late, and Ponnyboy ran away with Johnny. They wanted to walk to the park and go home after they calm down.
  • Johnny killed a soc PART B

    Johnny killed a soc PART B
    When Ponny and Johnny walked to the park, they met socs. They wanted to make a trouble for the boys because they stayed with two socs girls. The socs pressed Ponnyboy’s head into the water, and he fell in a faint. After he sobered, he knew that Johnny killed a soc.
  • Johnny and Ponyboy went and found Dally for help.

    Johnny and Ponyboy went and found Dally for help.
    They found Dally because they thought he would give them a good idea to run away. Dally thought they did a good job, told them to go to an old church, and said he would be there as soon as he thinks it’s clear. It could express the trust and love between greasers, especially Johnny and Dally. When Johnny met a trouble, Darry was the fist person he wanted to ask for help. And it is the reason why when Johnny died, Dally couldn’t bear the fact.
  • They got on a train.A

    They got on a train.A
    They took train, asked the way, and finally got to the church. Johnny gave Ponny a book, and he wanted to cut down their hair, and bleach them, he is afraid to be recognized.
  • Pony and Johnny had a new life in church

    Pony and Johnny had a new life in church
    They had their new haircut, although they didn’t like them, but had to fit them. Johnny said he didn’t mean to kill Bob, but they were droning Ponnyboy. They missed their friends, and that was the first time Ponnyboy realized that the extent of Johnny’s hero-worship for Dally. They saw sunset and thought that nothing gold can stay. Johnny yearned for liberty and goodness, and in his last words, he told Ponnyboy to stay gold.
  • Johnny wanted to turn himself in, but Dally didn't allow him to did it.

    Johnny wanted to turn himself in, but Dally didn't allow him to did it.
    Johnny wanted to turn himself in.(He wasn’t a bad guy. He is goodness, so when he saw the fire, he wanted to helped the kids. ) Dally didn’t want Johnny to go to the jail, because he didn’t want something make him to be Jallous.(Dally cared Johnny incomparably, he didn’t want Ponnyboy had the same experiences as him, so he couldn’t bear the death of Johnny.)
  • Burning Church

    Burning Church
    The church was on fire, Ponnyboy and Johnny helped the kids. They dropped the last kid out as the front of the church started to crumble. Johnny shoved Ponnyboy toward the window. They are injured, and the condition of Johnny’s wound is seriously. People all thought they are heroes. Ponnyboy saw his brothers, and Darry cried, them Ponnyboy realized how he loves him.
  • Dally told Ponnyboy the reason why Cherry wanted to be a spy

    Dally told Ponnyboy the reason why Cherry wanted to be a spy
    Dally told Ponnyboy the reason why Cherry wanted to be a spy. (And later Cherry told them the socs wouldn’t take weapons. )Johnny said that he would go back and turned himself in. He didn’t want to be the burden on his friends, and he thought his parents aren’t concerned with him.
  • Dally went to see them, and told they things happened outside.(Happend first)

    Dally went to see them, and told they things happened outside.(Happend first)
    Dally went to see them and told Ponyboy the things happened outside. Dally wanted them to go out because the police didn't think they stayed here. Dally gave Johnny a letter from Soda. The letter is improtant because Pony read it, he knew how much his brothers loves him, and Darry was self-condemned of beating Pony. They went out to eat and Dally told them there would be a fight betweeen socs and greasers. Cherry is their spy.
  • Randy had a talk with Ponyboy.

    Randy had a talk with Ponyboy.
    Randy told Pongboy that he will not participant in the coming fight, and he treated him as a normal boy istead of a Greaser. Randy plays an important role which explain the reason why in the end of the story Ponyboy was acquitted. He changed his idea to Greasers,
  • Ponyboy and Two-bits met Johnny's mother in the hospital.

    Ponyboy and Two-bits met Johnny's mother in the hospital.
    They almost had a quarrel with Johnny's mother, because they realized how cheap and hard his mother is. It tells readers the precise detail about Johnny's mother, and explain why Johnny didn't want to see his mother.
  • Ponyboy and Two-bits met Dally in the hospital.

    Ponyboy and Two-bits met Dally in the hospital.
    They met Dally and he had a great determination to win the fight, because it is fo Johnny. It shows readers how Johnny and Dally were strogly conected, and it contributed to the outcome of Dally---He died in the end of the story because he couldn't bare the death of Johnny.
  • The fight between Socs and Greasers had begun.

    The fight between Socs and Greasers had begun.
    1. They had a big fight with Socs and fortunately, they won the fight, but Ponyboy was in a great injury, so Dally drove him to the hospital. It relates to the next event because they would not see Johnny one last time if they didn’t went to hospital, and because in that time the condition of Ponyboy was rather bad and it causes Ponyboy passes out when Dally died.
  • Johnny died in the hospital and left his final words to Ponyboy.

    Johnny died in the hospital and left his final words to Ponyboy.
    In the hospital, after treated Ponyboy, they went and visited Johnny. Johnny was half-died. He told Pony to stay gold and soon passed away. The words “stay gold” connect to the poem that Ponyboy had read before Johnny’s death. We had mentioned it in the former event.
  • Dally died.

    Dally died.
    Dally broke down after the death of Johnny. He couldn’t bare it and lost control as he went to a grocery store. He robbed it with gun and drew police’s attention. He called Darry for help, but as Darry and others came for help, police shot him down. Dally was badly wounded and soon died in front of them. We regard Dally as a particular representative to Greasers, and he had done a lot of bad things throughout his life. It believes that the person like him would end up like it sooner or later.
  • Ponyboy passed out because of serious fever and been kicked in the head

    Ponyboy passed out because of serious fever and been kicked in the head
    Ponyboy passed out because of serious fever and been kicked in the head. He was unconscious about 3 days and during this period he kept calling Soda, Dally his parents' name. He was supposed that he also called Dally. In our opinion, it shows us in Ponyboy's heart deep he loves his big brother but didn't want to admit it.
  • Randy came to visit Ponyboy to see whether he is feeling better.

    Randy came to visit Ponyboy to see whether he is feeling better, and he mentioned the death of Johnny. Ponyboy collapsed and said he is the man who killed Bob and Johnny was still alive. It tells us how Johnny and Ponyboy were strongly connected, engender after the death of Johhny, the connection were still there.On the other way, Ponyboy wanted to remember the good memeries about Johnny instead of the memories of him been a killer.
  • A letter writen by Johnny.

    A letter writen by Johnny.
    Ponyboy found a letter inside of <Gone with wind> which written by Johnny. The letter said that he wanted Ponyboy to stay gold. Since the phrase was been mentioned again, we consider it as a very important idea that surport the whole story. We think it is the main reason that makes Ponyboy wanted to write down the story about two of his brave Greaser friends.
  • Ponyboy begun writing the story about themselves.

    Ponyboy begun writing the story about themselves.
    Ponyboy decided to record the story about the life of Greasers and the story about his two brave friends---Johnny and Dally. He will hand in as a homework and his teacher will aware their story. It connects to the beginning of the novel and tells reader the whole story is actually written by Ponyboy.
  • They were in the court and Ponyboy was acquitted.

    They were in the court and Ponyboy was acquitted.
    They were in the court and Ponyboy was acquitted. He was able to continue living with his brother, and Johhny was considered as innocent, too. It tells as Socs had already changed their opinions to Greasers, we think that's why they didn't mentioned the part that Johnny killed the Bob.
  • A quarrel between Curtis brothers.

    A quarrel between Curtis brothers.
    Ponyboy and Darry got into a fuss. They didn't notice the depression of Soda throughout dinner time until Ponyboy asked for Soda's surport. Soda ran away. Feeling guilty, they chased after him.In the park, they found Soda. He collapsed and told them he cannot pick a side if they continue arguing with each others. It shows us the truth of Soda.Before that, Dally and Ponyboy didn't know what is Soda's true feeling. In our opinion it is good because it makes brotherhood stronger and hint