The outsider

By S&J
  • The introduce of the outsiders(2)

    The introduce of the outsiders(2)
    Both greasers and socs regard each others as their old enemy, the only thing could happen between them is conflict, without any reason. The fact is that no one could change the situation, because of this, more and more trouble happens, and didn’t have good result.
  • Ponyboy jumped by Socs, and his gang saved him(2)

     Ponyboy jumped by Socs, and his gang saved him(2)
    These things describe the background of the novel which is the conflict between greaser and Socs. Those behavior showed about how inharmonious they are. This event paved the way for the following miserable things.
  • The introduce of the outsiders(1)

    The introduce of the outsiders(1)
    Introduces two kinds of people, greasers and Socs. A Soc always are very rich and live in urban area. Greasers always live on the outside and are not very rich. , they are opposite. Ponyboy is a main character, he is a greaser, he has two brothers, Sodapop and Darry. Their parents died in a car accident, and Darry was very strict so he loved soda more than Darry.
  • Ponyboy jumped by Socs, and his gang saved him(1)

     Ponyboy jumped by Socs, and his gang saved him(1)
    After Ponyboy got out from the cinema, he was jumped by Socs, Socs put the knee on his elbows, and said “need a haircut, greaser?” and made fun of Ponyboy. Finally, greases saved him, then drive away Socs. Then, Ponyboy argued with Darry, because Darry thinks that Ponyboy is so silly to walk home alone. Actually Darry was proud of him and loved him a lot.
  • Period: to

    The outsiders

  • Period: to

    The outsiders

  • Period: to

    The outsiders

  • Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally went to the movie(1)

    The next day, Ponyboy went to the cinema with Johnny and Dally. At that time, they met two Socs girls, Cherry and Marcia. Dally began to tease them and Cherry got angry with him, because she thought Dally was very rude, then Johnny ask Dally to leave the girls alone. Finally they became good friends, because Socs girls think they are different than other Greaser
  • Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally went to the movie(2)

    This things mentioned a one of the most vital role, Cherry, if Cherry didn’t appear, the conflict between two groups were not happened at all. By the way, Cherry also Promote the development of the plot.
  • They met Bob first time(1)

    They met Bob first time(1)
    After the movie, they took a walk on the street, and chat with each other, Cherry told them not all of the Socs what the greasers think, and they also have their own troubles. Ponyboy think that the money makes the Socs and the greasers difference, but Cherry do not think so. And then, they meet Bob, and Bob became angry because Cherry was his girlfriend and now, she walked with another boy. And then they had skirmish.
  • They met Bob first time(2)

    They met Bob first time(2)
    That is the first time greasers met Bob, but both of them were angry each other. During this chat, Ponyboy changed his mind about Socs.
  • Ponyboy was hit with Darry

     Ponyboy was hit with Darry
    They slept on the outside, and when they got up, the time was very late. Darry yelled at Ponyboy, because Ponyboy’s way made Darry became angry. Darry hit him, and Ponyboy felt angry and he ran out of home to found Johnny. And then, they decided to go to the Park.
    It is easy to found out that Darry loved Ponyboy by his behavior, but Ponyboy was misunderstood this, he thought Darry did not love him anymore.
  • Bob was killed by Johnny(1)

     Bob was killed by Johnny(1)
    When they were walking in the park, Bob, and three Socs came to bully them. Bob want to drown Ponyboy, and put his head into fountain, When Ponyboy was about to die, Johnny saved him. Johnny killed one of the Socs, Bob who was Cherry's Boyfriend. Johnny was not on purpose, he did only self-defense.
  • Bob was killed by Johnny(2)

     Bob was killed by Johnny(2)
    This part of the story is the turning point of the novel, it changed the relationship between two groups more badly. And also paved the way for the rumble. This is also the reason why the things after would happen.
  • They got help from Dally

    They got help from Dally
    After they killed Bob, they felt scared and helpless, they thought the only way to solve this issue is to got help from Dally. When they found Dally, and told Dally what happen just before and wanted to get some help. Dally gave them a gun, 50$, and a plan. Dally told them to go to a church by train in order to hid themselves. They arrived to the church in the morning.
    This is the first climax of this novel, this event lead that the plot of development.
  • The life in the church(1)

    The life in the church(1)
    After they decided hided in the church, Johnny bought enough food and daily necessities and a book “Gone with the wind”. In order to hid better, Johnny that old Ponyboy they should cut their hair and make them hair colors became white, although Ponyboy do not want Johnny to touch his hair. when they were chatting, they began remember the poem “Nothing gold can stay”.
  • The life in the church(2)

    The life in the church(2)
    During the following days, they led a peaceful life, they could chat and read to relax themselves. And the poem “Nothing gold can stay” is the most important clue of this novel. By the way, Ponyboy did not want to cut his hair because he thinks his hair is the symbol of the greasers.
  • Dally went to the church

     Dally went to the church
    After five days, Dally went to the church and visited them, and asked them for big meal. He bring a letter from Sodapop to Ponyboy. There will be a rumble between Socs and Greasers, and cherry became a spy of greasers, because she thought all the fault was made by her, so she decided to help them.
    Dally bring somethings which Promote the development of the plot which was rumble and provide the clue to the following passage. Attract reader.
  • Dally went to the church

    Dally went to the church
    After five days, Dally went to the church and visited them, and asked them for big meal. He bring a letter from Sodapop to Ponyboy. There will be a rumble between Socs and Greasers, and cherry became a spy of greasers, because she thought all the fault was made by her, so she decided to help them.
    Dally bring somethings which Promote the development of the plot which was rumble and provide the clue to the following passage. Attract reader.
  • The church got on fire(1)

     The church got on fire(1)
    When Johnny and Ponyboy went back to the church. They found church was on fire. They thought it is their fault that they caused the fire by smoking. Ponyboy and Johnny went to see what happened and went into the burning church to save several children in spite of Dally's dissuasion. Then, Pony and Johnny got into the church to save children. However, the fire injures Johnny. Dally has found Ponyboy and save him, but Johnny was still in the big fire. Dally jumped in and saved him.
  • The church got on fire(2)

    The church got on fire(2)
    This was the second climax of the novel.This part is a significant part of the story, it results in the death of Johnny directly and Dally's death indirectly. The life of Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally changed tremendously truly.
  • After they were saved by others(2)

    After they were saved by others(2)
    This part of the story is a connecting link between the climax and the things goes after, and reflect on the feeling of Ponyboy.
  • Ponyboy talk with Randy(2)

    Ponyboy talk with Randy(2)
    This things’ effect is that change Ponyboy’s mind, Randy thought fight was useless, because fight cannot solve problem. This plot is the most important talk about the relationship between greasers and Socs
  • The rumble between Socs and greaser(1)

    The rumble between Socs and greaser(1)
    The Socs had twenty-two people, and the greaser had twenty people. Finally Greaser won this war. But this is the bad things Ponyboy got cerebral concussion, this victory is bring a lot for greaser, they would never be bully in their territory.
  • The rumble between Socs and greaser(2)

    The rumble between Socs and greaser(2)
    This was the third climax of the novel. This plot widespread reader interest
  • Johnny was died(1)

    Johnny was died(1)
    After the war, Ponyboy and Dally went to the hospital and visited Johnny, Johnny would die there. Dally told Johnny they won the rumble, but Johnny thought it was useless, he just said that there was no reason to fight and it was meaningless to fight. The last thing he told Ponyboy was to stay gold then he died. Ponyboy and Dally were very sad because Johnny was their best friends.
  • Johnny was died(2)

    Johnny was died(2)
    These things promote the development of the plot that Dally robed the store. Johnny said “stay gold” it meant he hoped Ponyboy can stay kind-hearted.
  • After they were saved by others(1)

     After they were saved by others(1)
    They were reported that heroes of this society. However Ponyboy did not feel happy about, because all of them were hurt by the fire. And the doctor said that Johnny might die in several days. Johnny was one of the best friend of Ponyboy and Ponyboy didn't want to lose him. So Ponyboy was very sadly, he would not feel happy until Johnny become well.
  • Ponyboy talk with Randy(1)

    Ponyboy talk with Randy(1)
    The next day, Randy took with Ponyboy, and told Ponyboy how surprised he was when he say the report about Ponyboy and his friends. Ponyboy said it is about who you are instead of which group you are in. And also, Randy told him Bob is a good person, he did everything just want to let his parents pay more attention to him. After this communicate, Ponyboy’s mind was changed, he realized that Socs was still normal person, not all of them are bad people.
  • Dally was died

    Dally was died
    Since Johnny was the person who Dally liked best, Dally cannot accept the fact that Johnny had died. He used the model gun to scare the salesperson and asked the salesperson to give him money. He used the model gun to scare the policemen again. Finally the policemen killed him.
    This part of the story is another milestone of that mentions Johnny's death, as Dally and Ponyboy are the most important people of the whole novel so there death is significant.
  • During the time that Ponyboy stay in the bed

    During the time that Ponyboy stay in the bed
    When he opened eyes, he was lying on the bed; he asked a lot and figured out whether he mentioned Darry when he was delirious. He recovered his health and received the book “Gone with the Wind” that Johnny left. During the time staying in bed, he realized how important his brother, and Darry loved him so much.
    The period did not have too many things happen, but it is important for Ponyboy. During the time, he learned more about the family they have. He got better along with Darry
  • After the court

    After the court
    Ponyboy was announced to be not guilty in the court. He expected to recover his past life but it was too late. His marks at school had decreased a great deal, and he even could not pass English. He had to write a good essay to get a C for his final mark. He saw the letter by Johnny in the book. He let Ponyboy discover and experience the beautiful things in the world that Dally had discovered.
    Due to these things happend, he had to finish an essay, and it reveal that he will write The Outsider
  • the end of the outsider

    the end of the outsider
    Ponyboy did not want to do the homework, and he decided to read the Johnny’s book. When he began to read it, he found a letter. Johnny wanted to tell Darry that saving children in fire was worth it and reminded Ponyboy to stay gold.
    Ponyboy, Soda and Darry became closer from this event. The misunderstanding between Ponyboy and Darry disappeared. The solved conflict resolved Soda’s upset feelings.