Franz ferdinand murder

The Outbreak of World War 1

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne) is assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia. He is assassinated by a Bosnian Serb. His wife Duchess Sofia is also killed.
  • Austria-Hungary gathers an alliance

    Austria-Hungary seeks German support for a war against Serbia. Austria-Hungary seeks German support in case Russia gets involved. Germany assures Austria-Hungary of their support.
  • Austria-Hungary sends Serbia an ultimatum

    Austria-Hungary sends Serbia a list of 10 demands as a result of Ferdinand's death. Serbia accepts 9 of the demands. Serbia did not accept the 6th demand which was to allow Austro-Hungarian police into Serbia. Austria-Hungary sees this as unsatisfactory.
  • War is declared

    Austria-Hungary declares War on Serbia. Russia mobilizes.
  • Tensions increase

    Germany warns Russia to stop mobilizing. Russia says mobilization is against Austria-Hungary only,
  • Countries prepare

    Germany declares war on Russia. Germany and the Ottoman Empire sign a secret alliance treaty, Italy declares that they are neutral.
  • Action begins

    First military action begins on the western front. Germany invades Luxembourg,
  • Germany tries to take over

    Germany declares war on France. Belgium protects France by not allowing the German military through the French border.
  • The UK gets involved

    Germany invades Belgium. The United Kingdom declares war on Germany because of the invasion of Belgium.
  • The big countires declare war

    Serbia declares war on Germany. Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia,
  • France declares war on Austria-Hungary

    France declares war on Austria-Hungary.
  • Austria-Hungary takes another hit

    The United Kingdom declares war on Austria-Hungary.