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The Ottoman Empire

  • 1001 BCE

    11 century

    Turkidh nomand began moving into Anatolia on the border of the Byzantine Empire They were stopped from moving further west by he Byzantine Empire for centuries
  • 1299

    Osman I starts the Ottoman Empire

    Osman I starts the Ottoman Empire
    Osman I became the founder of a powerful state of Turish nomads, known as the Ottomans. The Ottoman Empire began conquering most of Anatolia.
  • 1453

    Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire for a thousand years

    Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire for a thousand years
    Mehmet II, besieged Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire´s capital city. with their enormous cannons, the city was renamed Istanbul and became the new capital of the Ottoman Empire
  • Period: 1520 to 1560

    Reign of Suleiman The Magnificent

    After the death of Mehmet II, the Ottoman sultans wanted to continue trying to conquer Eourope. Their goal was to capture Rome and become rulers of the continent. An Ottoman sultan named Suleiman the Magnificent continued to expand the Ottoman Empire into central Europe
  • 1529

    The Ottoman Empire attempts to conquer Austria

    The Ottoman Empire attempts to conquer Austria
    His army besieged Austria´s capital city, Vienna. However, the city didn´t fall, and the Ottomans were stopped from conquering any more of Europe