The origin of the Earth

  • 50,000 BCE

    5000 milions years ago

    5000 milions years ago
    The Sun was surrounded by cosmic dust and the gravity formed the Earth because of the atraction between the particles of the dust.
  • 45,400 BCE

    4540 milions years ago

    4540 milions years ago
    There was a collision between the Earth and another planet, that formed the rocks that would be our Moon
  • 39,000 BCE

    3900 milions years ago

    3900 milions years ago
    It arrived a meteor shower coming from the rests of the formation of the Solar System. Inside them, they wore water particles. After years of meteor shower, the oceans were formed.
  • 38,000 BCE

    3800 milions of years ago

    3800 milions of years ago
    Volcanos were formed and volcano islands too. It arrived a meteor shower, the rocks had minerals, aminoacids and carbon that fell down in the oceans. There, were formed the first unicellular organism because of some chemical combinations.
  • 35,000 BCE

    3500 milions years ago

    3500 milions years ago
    In a part of the ocean not so deep, it formed stromatolites that with the photosynthesis, they reproduced and filled the oceans and the athmosphere with oxygen.
  • 5400 BCE

    540 milions years ago

    540 milions years ago
    In the ocean, the unicellular organisms evolved and the plants grew. It appeared the first multicellular organism, after appeared worms, sponges and other bigger predators.
  • 650 BCE

    65 milions years ago

    65 milions years ago
    A big asteroide fell down in the Earth and the dinosaurs were extincted.
  • 470 BCE

    47 milions years ago

    47 milions years ago
    There were some mammals that survived and evolved to the monkeys. The tectonic plates moved and formed Himalaya.
  • 200 BCE

    20 milions years ago

    20 milions years ago
    The continents and oceans were formed as we know them today.
  • 40 BCE

    4 milions years ago

    4 milions years ago
    The monkeys evolved to walk on the hind legs (bipedalism)
  • 15 BCE

    1,5 milions years ago

    1,5 milions years ago
    It appeared the Homo Erectus
  • 1 CE

    0,15 milions years ago

    0,15 milions years ago
    The Homo Sapiens arrived at Europe