The origin of life

  • 1450 BCE

    Islam theory

    Islam theory
    Allah- main and only creator
    Chora- from smoke
  • Period: 500 BCE to 400 BCE

    Panspermia 1 part

    IDEA: Propose a cosmic origin for life
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    Panspermia 2 part

    Interplanetary panspermia IDEA: The exchange of life forms from one planet to another within the same solar system.
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    Panspermia 3 part

    Interstellar panspermia IDEA: The exchange of life forms from one solar system to another
  • Period: 400 BCE to 200 BCE

    Lotobrahman flower

    Hindu community IDEA: Brahma- Creator of the world, the creator god. The most important god of the Hinduism. Founded the universe on the basis of the lotus.
  • 350 BCE

    Spontaneous generation 1 part

    Aristóteles- Pneuma soul of the things IDEA: Life forms arose spontaneously from non-living matter
  • 40 BCE

    God’s creation

    Christian theory. Genesis book- Moises. IDEA: God create the world and the entire universe in 7 days. Adan and Eva theory.
  • Period: to

    Spontaneous generation 2 part

    17th century experiments.
    Scientists: Francesco Redi, Louis Pasteur, Jhon Needham, Lazzaro Spallanzani. IDEA: Living things can be produced from non-living things; idea confirmed by means of scientific experiments with dead matter
  • Panspermia 4 part

    Herman E. Richter- German scientist IDEA: Life exists throughout the universe, distributed by certain factors: meteorites, asteroids, bacteria’s, extremophiles organisms, etc.
  • Period: to

    Biochemical or molecular

    Oparin (1923) ; Haldane 1928 IDEA: Life may have originated from a series of organic chemical reactions that produced progressively more complex biochemical structures. PROCESS: common gases-simple organic chemicals- more complex molecules- living organisms. CLASSIFICATION: chemical evolution of life, biological evolution of life and cognogeny
  • Electric spark

    miller urey idea: a lightning strike may have provided the spark necessary for the beginning of life. 1. the first form of life came into existence after "a spark" or on a particular "spark day". 2. life arose, after a prolonged spark and not a specific spark. electric sparks can make amino acids and sugars from an atmosphere containing water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen. lightning - building blocks - life - larger molecules
  • Panspermia 5 part

    Directed panspermia IDEA: The intentional exchange of life forms to other planets by an advanced civilization (extraterrestrial or human)
  • Deep-Sea Vents--- Eoghan Reeves, Jeff Seewald, Sean Jordan, Nick Lana and Jill McDermott.

    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: First company interested in this theory. IDEA: Life began in the deep ocean with warm (chemical and thermal energy), rocky structures called hydrothermal vents.
    Underwater hydrothermal vents and expelled hydrogen- Rich molecules and biochemical resources- Methane compounds.
    Rocky nooks - condensed molecules- catalysts processes
    Alkaline fluids- Vents- differences- proton concentration- living cells
    Methanetiol- enzyme- AUG- Met-Protein synthesis = metabolite
  • Period: to

    RNA self-replication/ RNA WORLD

    PROPOSED: Francis Crick- 1982
    Whitehead Institute for Biomedical research- 1995
    IDEA: This theory suggests that life on Earth began with a simple RNA molecule that could copy itself without the help of any other molecule.
    RNA = genetic molecule as DNA-store data / catalyst as protein / self-replicating molecule
    Inorganic resources - prebiotic soup - nucleotides - RNA forms - RNA self-replication - ribosome - amino acids - proteins - membrane formation -- DNA- genetic molecule / Protein- catalyst
  • Community Clay theory- Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith

    IDEA: Life was started in the layers of clay on Earth.
    Clay minerals = Ability to take up, protect (UV radiations), concentrate, and catalyze the polymerization of ORGANIC molecules. Also, acts as a genetic molecule - store and replicate - structural defects and ionic substitutions.
    Organic molecules - clay layers - formation and replication - biological molecules.
    // Silicates - Mineral crystals- organic compounds - organized patterns - protein - cells - life //