The Origin of Families

By oreh
  • Hunter-Gatherers

    They consisted of a loose grouping of males and females and their offsprings
    Food gathering activities of women and children as essentail to survival as the hunting activities of men.
    Informal group marriage prevalent,continued as dominant family system untill development of agricultur.
  • Agricultural Family

    Agricultural Family
    Hunter-Gatherer were able to stay in one location because of sustaninable and abundant food sources
    Couples began to marry so that a father could help to support his own children untill they became self sufficiant
    Agricultural communities formed and people had more children to work the land and tend to the animals
    Polygamy and arranged marriage with young women ensure more children
    Because they needed land for agriculture young adults continued to live in their parents' house hold after
  • Pre-Industrial Family

    Pre-Industrial Family
    Growth of villages and town led to cottage industry home business
    Couples were usually monogamous and had fewer children because they were less able than farms were to sustain large families
    Marriage was an economic necessity because less than 50% reached adulthood
  • Urban Industrial

    Urban Industrial
    There were Factory Production in towns and cities , work became something done outside of the home
    New industial working class, all family memebers began to work in a wage based labour force
    Industrial nucler families were women hunterers who worked at home and were economicaly supported by their husbands
    Compulsory education for children institued in 1871
    Home became a place of love and emotional contentment
    Young people married and moved away because they were able to support themselves
  • Contemporary Canadian Family

    Contemporary Canadian Family
    1960's and 70's women began to work outside of the home because one income was not sufficient
    Birth rates declined and women gained more equality
    They had transitional families in which mothers temporarily leaves the work force to raise children
    Dual income families where both spouses work full time
    Blended families when divorced
  • Family of the Future

    Family of the Future
    With a change of structure to the idea of family, the definition of family will vastly keep getting broader and broader as we see in our society.If we were to look at those who want to create a family, I think the diversity of family is where we are heading in the future. To me diversity of family means the types of families we will be seeing in the future. The family of the future will be base around any persons who want to take on the responsibilities of raising children.