As of 1846 the Native American Tribes That Lived There were sioux, blackfoot, crow, shoshone -
How they traveled
At the begining they had to travel by wagons pulled by oxen or horse. Some people even had to walk the 2,000 miles by foot -
Oregon trail started sometime in 1746 and went through Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Idaho, Wyoming and of course Oregon. http://school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/274444 -
In 1849 people started travling in groups with a "leader" they all got up at 6 o'clock -
Columbia River
Robert Gray named the Columbia river some time in 1792 -
Fur trade
1804-1805 a fur trade with two competing companys Hudson bay and Northwest fur company -
A mapping journey
John C. Frémont led an expidition to map out the area -
The First Train
First train left Independence in 1842. Almost 1,000 people followed that train that year. The next year 875 pioneers came to Oregon. -
By the 1860s the Oregon trail wasn't used much -
Transcontanental rail line
The transcontanental rail line met in Utah in 1869. Emigrants who are like imagrants but havn't settled yet used the rail road until about 1880. -
Britanica, oregon.com, Commons.wikimedia.org, en.wikipedia.org. On March 5th 2015 I wrote the resorces