The Order Of Pregression

  • Period: to

    Order Of Progression

  • Transcendentalist

    The Transcendentalist Movement Called For A "Return To Nature". That Phrase Meant Men Should Rely Upon Themselves Rather Than Society.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    Women Spoke Out Against The Evils Of Alcohol Addiction. Many Believed That Alcohol Caused Insanity And Many Other Stages Leading Up To The Persons Death.
  • Abolitionist Movement

    Abolitionist Movement
    There Main Goal Was To Immediatly Abolish Slavery.
  • Creation Of The Free Soils Party

    Creation Of The Free Soils Party
    This Party Promised Free Soil , Free Speech, Free Labor And Free Men. They Were Devoted To Keep Slavery Out Of The Western Hemisphere.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Susan B. Anthony And Elizabeth Cody Stanton Held A Convention For Women Rights. Over 300 Women Came To Seneca Falls, New York To Protest The Mistreatment Of Women In Social, Economic, Political, and Religious life.
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    The Radicals Advocated Full Citizenship And The Right To Vote For Everyone. They Also Opposed Lincolns 10 Percent Plan.
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    These Unions Fought For Better Wages , Reasonable Hours And Safe Working Conditions. Most Businesses Hated Labor Unions Because They Cost The Businesses Money. Also Businesses Required Workers To Sign A "Yellow Dog Contract".
  • Progressives

    These Were People Who Devoted Their Lives To Rid America Of Its Many Problems. The Most Famous Leaders Of This Era Are: Jacob Riis Who Fought To Improve Living Conditions For The Poor And Improve Tenement Houses With The Use Of A Camera And Jane Addams Who Founded The First Settlement Houses.
  • Populist Party

    Populist Party
    The Populist Party Rose Up From The Grass Roots Against Other Political Parties. They Demanded Government Ownershio Of Railroads To Figh High Costs. The Party Also Fought Against Women Suffrage.