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The opening Of The Sydney Harbour Bridge

  • Period: to

    The Bridge

  • The idea

    The idea
    The Propositon passed and plans were drewin up for the Bridge
  • Construction Began

    Construction Began
    The construction begin on the bridge
  • Construction

    The bridges base is nearly complete and they are ready to start on the Arch
  • The Arch begins

    The Arch begins
    Construction on the Arch begins and already 15 people have died and over 500 more people are employed
  • The Bridge continues

    The Bridge continues
    Construction of the Arch is almost complete and they are beginning on the road
  • Bridge is Finished

    Bridge is Finished
    The Harbour Brige is complete after 8 years of work
  • The beginning

    The beginning
    This was the official opening of the Bridge.
  • Anzac Walk

    Anzac Walk
    Each year the Sydney Anzac walk crosses the Sydney harbour Bridge. and this is a traditon which happens evry year
  • Half Cetenian Anniversary

    Half Cetenian Anniversary
    50 yrs of being opened
  • 75th Anniversary

    75th Anniversary
    75th anniversary of the Harbour Bridge