The One Child Policy

  • Naking Massacre

    Naking Massacre
    The death toal is not positive, but the estimated amount was more then 200,000+ people. Which proves the large amount of chinese people living in china.
  • Concerns about china

    Concerns about china
    Many nations worried about china's population, and tried to warn china about possible food shortage. Just as Mao Ze Dong came into power in china, he explained that production will solve the concerns. (Which was obviously false)
  • The Baby Boom Beginning

    The Baby Boom Beginning
    Mao zedong offically becomes the new leader of china, him and his communist party takes over. The birth of better economy brought better health care and sanitation started the baby boom of china. Which sky rocketed the babys born in china and would later affect china as a country.
  • Abortion?!!!

    Chinas food suply was getting dagerously slim due to the baby issue china faced. Mao Ze Dong refused to realize that he was wrong when clearly he was, so the government had to do something before china loses all of it's food. The government supported many system that the people of china had very little to no chance to refuse. The government forced the people of china to take apart of contraceptives, birth control programs, and to support child Abortion.
  • Why Mao WHY?!!!!!

    Why Mao WHY?!!!!!
    The Utter Failure "The Great Leap Foward" came into play (The plan to creat china into a modern Industrlize state). He ordered too many farmers to stop production of Agriculture to work on steel. In result of this, food sortage ran very low and 20 million+ chinese people died because of starvation
  • Things get better...?

    Things get better...?
    After years of Mao's awful ideas which killed millions of innocent people, things got semi better. People wern't starving, but because of the great leap foward, there was not a optimum amount of food, and people were rationing essential items. Things like soap, eggs, salt, cloth, and sugar.
  • Mao dies, ENTER DENG!

    Mao dies, ENTER DENG!
    Mao dies September 6, 1976 and Deng Xiaoping takes command of china after Mao.
  • Deng has a dream.

    Deng has a dream.
    A year after Mao's death, Deng notices many times that other neighboring countries like Japan and Taiwan are doing incredible compare to china in that time. So, his goal was to get china back on track, the high ranks soon realize that population is one of the key factors of there moderization stand still, so they create a new policy called. "The One Child Policy"
  • One Child Policy

    One Child Policy
    The One Child Policy was created by Deng XaoPing. The whole point of the One Child Policy was to reduce population, can it possibly work??!
  • One Child Policy Current

    One Child Policy Current
    The One Child Policy is still current to this day, and is still being used in china to reduce issues of population.