1269 BCE
olmec leader
The leader of the olmec civilization was named (tu). he was the olmec king. He ruled the olmec empire. -
1100 BCE
olmec heads
900 bce= The big olmec heads date back to 900 bce. The olmecs made these heads for their great leaders. There are exactly 17 heads found around the world in different locations. -
1100 BCE
dead olmec
1100 bce= All of the olmecs died from reaching the pinnacle of their civilization. Over civilization in their city. Tons of people also died from the olmec ball game called (mesoamerican). -
1100 BCE
olmec mask
1100 bce= The olmecs died around 1100 bce. They made masks to remember their ancestors or god. They would wear this mask at parades and to worship. -
Period: 1100 BCE to 140
the olmecs
the Olmecs are a complex civilization with a huge population of 18000 and lived a long life. they made sacrificial games where the losers would get killed. -
459 BCE
olmec population
140 bce- 1100 bce= The population of the olmec civilization was 18000 and was going down by each year. They made little sculptures to represent their peoples civilization. They tried to make as many sculptures as how many people there were. -
459 BCE
olmec nickname
140 bce- 1100 bce= the olmecs nickname was (mother civilization). They were called that because of their high population. They had the highest population from 140 bce to 1100 bce. -
300 BCE
olmec ball game
300 bce- 900 bce= The olmec ball game was a sacrificial ball game that went from 150 bce, to 400 bce. The losers would be sacrificed and die. The game was called (mesoamerican). -
169 BCE
olmec city
140 bce- 1100 bce= the olmecs were the first civilization with complex cities. There society was full of people up to 18000. The city was crowded and full of people. -
140 BCE
Olmec land
140 bce- 1100 bce= The olmec people lived in the tropical lowland in the southern central part of mexico. They had a lot of land own by them. They owned 45.7 acres of land.