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  • the construction of the rule of two

    the construction of the rule of two
    Darth Bane created the rule of two to make the sith stronger.
    Two there should be, one to embody the power, the other to crave it. -DARTH BANE-
  • Great galactic war

    Great galactic war
    War against the sith empire and the republic.
    Republic lead by satele shan.
    Sith lead by emperor.
  • Legacy of darth traya

    Legacy of darth traya
    She lead two other sith against the surviveing jedi and nearly wipe the jedi out but they were stop by the exile.
  • jedi civil war

    jedi civil war
    The war between the jedi and dark jedi.
    Dark jedi are lead by malak.
    Jedi are lead by revan.
  • mandolorian wars

    mandolorian wars
    A battle between the mandolorians and the republic.
    Mandolorians lead by mandolor the ultamite.
    The republic lead by revan.
  • The exar kun

    The exar kun
    Battle between the republic and the sith.
    Sith lead by exar kun.
    The jedi lead by ulic qel-droma.
  • great hyperspace war

    great hyperspace war
    The battle between the jedi and sith.
    sith lead by naga sadow, ludo kressh, and marka ragnos.