The Old Man & the Sea Timeline (English 10-2)

By zorec
  • 1

    Santiago has gone 84 days without catching a single fish.
  • 2

    Santigo gets ready to sail far out into the sea the next day to go fishing.
  • Period: to


  • 3

    Santiago parts ways with Manolin and begins his fishing trip.
  • 4

    Santiago sees a huge fish and hooks it. At the time, Santiago didn't quite realize just how massive the fish was.
  • 5

    The huge fish jumps out of the water, and Santiago gets to see the true size and majesty of the huge fish.
  • 6

    A tiny warbler lands in Santiago's boat.
  • 7

    Sharks start circling around the fish. Just when Santiago thought his trial was over, sharks begin biting and tearing at the fish.
  • 8

    Santiago reels the fish in and kills it by stabbing it with a harpoon. His battle against the fish is over, so he starts to head home.
  • 9

    Santiago gets back to shore and heads to his shack. After the fight with the fish, he is exhausted. He returns home feeling both triumphant and defeated at the same time.
  • 10

    The people of the village see the skeletal remains of the enormous fish. They finally realize Santiago's fishing prowess and praise him for it.