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The OFFICIAL Napoleon Timeline

  • The Italian Campaign (Green)

    The Italian Campaign (Green)
    This was a series of battles in Northern Italy in which the French conquered much of Italy thanks to Napoleon.
  • The Egyptian Campaign (Red)

    The Egyptian Campaign (Red)
    This was a campaign in Egypt by the French to attempt to capture its territory. However, due to the lack of a fleet, the French could no longer run it, so it eventually failed.
  • Banque De France (Green)

    Banque De France (Green)
    The Banque (Bank) of France was established in Paris. This was a success.
  • Concordat Of 1801 (Green)

    Concordat Of 1801 (Green)
    An agreement is signed between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII, ending Church Reforms in France and establishing the Catholic Church again. This was successful.
  • Consul For Life (Green)

    Consul For Life (Green)
    Napoleon Bonaparte is declared First Consul For Life. This was a success.
  • Napoleonic Code Implemented (Green)

    Napoleonic Code Implemented (Green)
    This was a series of laws and codes implemented by Napoleon. It stripped women of their rights, made men superior, and codified multiple branches of the government. This was a success.
  • Napoleon Becomes Self-Declared Emperor (Green)

    Napoleon Becomes Self-Declared Emperor (Green)
    Napoleon Bonaparte, a French general, declares himself to be the Emperor of France. This was a success.
  • Battle Of Trafalgar (Red)

    Battle Of Trafalgar (Red)
    This battle between the British and the French-Spanish established British Naval supremacy for over 100 years. This was a failure.
  • Continental System Established (Red)

    Continental System Established (Red)
    Napoleon, under the Berlin Decree in November of 1806, prohibited British trade with all countries under French control. However, this ended up being a failure for the French Revolution.
  • The Holy Roman Empire Is Abolished (Green)

    The Holy Roman Empire Is Abolished (Green)
    Following a defeat at the hands of France, Francis II abdicates the title of Holy Roman Emperor. This ends the Holy Roman Empire, and it was a major success for the French Revolution.
  • Resistance In Spain (Red)

    Resistance In Spain (Red)
    This was a resistance in Spain, due to the Spanish disliking the French Rule. This lasted until the defeat of Napoleon in 1814. This was a failure.
  • Napoleon’s Invasion Of Russia (Red)

    Napoleon’s Invasion Of Russia (Red)
    Napoleon attempted to invade Russia in winter. Big mistake. The Russians defeated Napoleon, resulting in his first exile to Elba.
  • The Battle Of Nations At Leipzig (Red)

    The Battle Of Nations At Leipzig (Red)
    This was a battle that took place in the city of Leipzig, in which unified forces of Russia, Prussia, Sweden, and Austria defeated Napoleon.
  • The Hundred Days (Green)

    The Hundred Days (Green)
    This was the period of time when Napoleon escaped his exile in Elba and when Louis XVIII returned to Paris.
  • Napoleon’s Defeat At Waterloo (Red)

    Napoleon’s Defeat At Waterloo (Red)
    Napoleon was defeated at the city of Waterloo. This proved to be his final defeat. This was a failure for the French Revolution.