defeated the French
Viet Minh, defeated the French colonial army at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu -
splitting veitnam
The Geneva Accords declared a cease-fire and divided Vietnam officially into North Vietnam (under Ho and his Communist forces) and South Vietnam -
ruled by Ho Chi Minh, while the latter would be under the control of Emperor Bao Dai. -
Some signers of the Geneva accords hoped that elections to unify the two republics could be scheduled to take place -
U.S. president John F. Kennedy sent American “military advisors” to Vietnam to help train the South Vietnamese army, -
August 7, 1964
The U.S. Senate then approved the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution -
U.S. deploud
3,500 United States Marines became the first American combat troops to land in South Vietnam -
July 24, 1965
four F-4C Phantoms escorting a bombing raid at Kang Chi became the targets of antiaircraft missiles in the first such attack against American planes in the war. -
nearly 400,000 U.S. troops where in veitnam -
end of war
over 500,000 troops were stationed there, -
the war
The War Powers Act greatly curtailed the President's ability to commit troops to action without first obtaining Congressional approval -
American President Jimmy Carter pardoned nearly all Vietnam War draft evaders.