Apr 22, 1519
The beginning
At Potonchan Cortez recives Malinche. Malinche will turn out to be a translator and a great use to Cortez. A -
Period: Apr 22, 1519 to Sep 22, 1522
The end
Jul 22, 1519
The push inland
At Veracruz 500 conquistadors start an expedition. B,E -
Aug 22, 1519
Tlaxcalans lose a battle with the spanish. Later to become allies in the battle against the Aztecs. C,F -
Nov 22, 1519
Cortez and his army enter. Cortez meets face to face with the Aztec leader Montezuma. D,G -
Dec 22, 1519
Prisoner Montezuma
Cotez makes Montezuma his prisoner. The Spanish stay in the city for a while. -
Feb 22, 1520
The Bribe at Veracruz
Cortez goes to battle the Conqustadors sent to arrest him. Cortez bribes them into fighting with him at Veracruz. -
Mar 22, 1520
Cortez leaves
Cortez leaves Alverado -
Mar 22, 1520
Alverado mistakes a ceramony for a plot to attack the Spanish and orders a massacre of all participents. The Aztecs get angry and attack. -
Mar 23, 1520
Cortez returns
Cortez returns and makes Montzuma talk to his people. After Montzuma is killed and the Aztecs are still very angry. -
Apr 22, 1520
Noche Triste
Cortez and the Spanish attempt to escape in the night. In that night many people died. -
Apr 23, 1520
After escaping Cortez and survivors retreat for few months to recover and rebuild. -
May 22, 1520
Small pox
Thousands of Aztecs die from Small Pox -
May 22, 1520
The second attack
The Spanish attempt to attack the more weakend Aztecs. -
Aug 22, 1520
The cut off
Cortez cuts off supplies like food and water from entering the city for three months. -
Nov 22, 1520
The few remaining
The few remaing Aztecs surrender. -
Feb 22, 1521
The new govoner
Cortez becomes the govoner of New Spain. -
Feb 22, 1521
The destruction of Tenochtitlan
The Spainsh destroy Tenochtitlan -
Mar 22, 1522
A new chapter
Mexico City is built on top of the old Aztec buildings.